

Study on Characteristics of the Water Requirement and Yield Components in Spring Wheat under Drip Irrigation in Northern Xinjiang

【作者】 程裕伟

【导师】 马富裕;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 滴灌是一种现代化的灌水技术,也是世界上公认的高效节水的灌溉方式。目前国内外对于滴灌的研究大多是围绕果树、蔬菜、棉花、瓜等产值较高的作物开展,并己大面积推广应用。对滴灌春小麦的研究非常少。本文通过2008-2009年的大田调查和小区控制试验对新疆北疆地区春小麦常规漫灌、滴灌条件下的生理特性、耗水规律、收获产量及产量构成因素的的比较,分析不同水分处理对春小麦生长、干物质积累、产量构成和水分利用效率的影响,初步探讨滴灌小麦需水规律及产量形成的特征。通过研究得出以下主要结论:(1)同一土层0-20cm处,不同的灌水处理距离滴灌带远近不同土壤含水率不同,土壤含水率在灌溉前后具有明显的变化:0-40cm土层土壤含水率整体趋于平缓,总体表现为W1处理<W2处理<W3处理<W4处理;40-60cm土层距离滴灌带不同远近的土壤含水率变化不明显,说明滴灌对于深层的土壤变化影响不大,并随着深度的加深土壤含水率变化幅度减小。(2)充分供水条件下整个生育期内滴灌小麦的蒸发蒸腾量为545.94 mm,平均阶段耗水强度为5.35 mm/d。2个品种在不同水分处理条件下,滴灌小麦的产量与耗水量呈单峰曲线关系,但当耗水量上升到了一定程度,产量反而降低;不同品种、不同灌水处理下滴灌小麦及漫灌小麦W3处理的新春6号的WUE最高,为10.39kg/mm·hm2,漫灌处理的新春22号WUE最低,为6.61 kg/mm·hm2;滴灌小麦的作物系数在播种-拔节期为0.75,拔节-抽穗期上升到1.05,抽穗.乳熟期达到1.09,在乳熟一成熟期降为0.79。(3)同一个水分处理W1、W2的株高出现高低行的“波浪型”趋势;滴灌小麦和漫灌小麦叶面积指数的变化均呈正态曲线变化,随有效积累积温的增加叶面积指数先升高后降低;滴灌小麦Wl处理、W2处理的SPAD值从开花期开始下降;光合速率(Pn)值在W1处理、W2处理中的变化表现为:Pn第一行>Pn第二行>Pn第三行,W3处理中的Pn最大值是开花后十天左右,此后一直保持一个较高的值;蒸腾速率(Tr)值的变化是在灌浆初期和中期持续上升,至花后20天左右达到最大值,随后迅速下降;气孔导度(Cd)值在开花至花后10天下降的速度较慢,10天后开始迅速下降,直至成熟。(4)滴灌小麦干物质积累动态全株、穗呈现“S”型曲线,叶片、茎鞘呈单峰曲线;滴灌小麦的干物质有效积累积温(GDDEDMA)为1180.14℃,干物质高速积累持续积温(GDDHDMA)为670.68℃。与漫灌小麦相比,达到最大干物质积累速率所需要的有效积温(GDD)少83.38℃,积温产出率(PEGDD)高2.42(kg/hm2)/℃,叶片、穗干物质的分配率、输出量、转换率均高于漫灌小麦。(5)不同水分处理的产量间差异达1%显著水平,同一水分处理中不同行之间由于灌量的不同也表现差异性:不同水分处理对小麦的穗长影响不同,结实小穗数和不育小穗数均达到极显著差异;不育小穗数随着距离滴灌带越远,不育小穗数越多。滴灌小麦成穗数比漫灌小麦高,不同行间的成穗数表现较大的差异性;最大穗粒数为48粒/穗,最小为11.7粒/穗;滴灌小麦千粒重普遍大于漫灌小麦,最高千粒重为51.8g。

【Abstract】 As a kind of modern technology, drip irrigation is widely recognized as a water-saving and efficient irrigation method. Study on irrigation conducted both at home and abroad mostly are on higher output crops like fruit trees, vegetables, cotton, melons and some others and has been promoted to large area. While researches on spring wheat drip irrigation is comparatively less. Through the comparison of physiological characteristics,water consumption,harvest yield and yield components of spring wheat growing under drip irrigation and conventional flood irrigation of field investigations and small area control test in 2008-2009 in north Xinjiang, the thesis analyses the effect of different water treatments on spring wheat growth,dry matter accumulation, yield components and water use efficiency, It discusses the characteristics of the water requirement and yield components. Through the research it draw the following conclusions:(1) the same soil layer 0-20cm Department, with different drip irrigation treatments the soil moisture is different too. Soil moisture content has a significant change before and after irrigation; 0-40cm layer of soil water content as a whole tended to be stable, of which the overall treatment showed as Wl treatment <W2 treatment<W3 treatment<W4 treatment; 40-60cm soil layer with a different distance from the drip soil water content did not change significantly, indicating profound changes in the soil for irrigation has little effect, and with the deepth of the soil reduce the water content change rate.(2) The evapotranspiration of drip irrigation wheat throughout the growth period was 545.94 mm, the average water consumption was 5.35 mm/d. Two breedes in different water conditions, the drip irrigation wheat of yield and water consumption showed a single peak curve, when water consumption raised to a certain extent, the yield instead lower; the WUE of different breedes of wheat in different irrigation treatments and drip irrigation wheat and flood irrigation wheat, W3 treatment was the highest, xinchun 6 was 10.39 kg/mm·hm2, flood irrigation treatment the WUE of xinchun 22 was 6.61 kg/mm·hm2; drip irrigation wheat of crop coefficient was 0.75 at sowing-jointing, jointing-Tassel up to 1.05, Tassel-milk reached to 1.09, in the milk-maturity reduced to 0.79.(3) The height of plants of low and high line appears a "wavy" trend under the same water treatment of W1, W2. The LAI of drip irrigation wheat and flood irrigation wheat showed a normal curve. With the increases of GDD, the LAI go up at first, then down. The SPAD value of drip treatment of wheat W1, W2 processing decreased from the beginning of anthesis; Pn value of treatment in W1, W2 processing shifts are:first line> second line> third line, W3 treatment maximum value of Pn is about ten days after flowering, then maintained a higher value; Tr value change is in the early and mid filling rising to 20 days after flowering, reached the maximum, then decreased rapidly; Cd value declines slowly withinn the 10 days after flowering to spend and decline rapidly after until maturity.(4)dry matter and the spike accumulation of spring wheat consistented with the typical "S" curve, while a parabola of quadratic function was detected in the change of leaf and stem during growth. The growth degree days of effective dry matter accumulation (GDDEDMA) of spring wheat watered with drip irrigation was 1180.14℃, and the growth degree days of high-speed dry matter accumulation (GDDHDMA) was 670.68℃. The growth degree days (GDD) of spring wheat watered with drip irrigation was 83.38℃lower, while wheat production quantity during growth degree days (PEGDD) was 2.42 (kg/hm2)/℃higher than flood irrigation when spring wheat reach the highest dry matter accumulation rate. When compared with flood irrigation, spring wheat in drip irrigation with higher biomass accumulation, leaf and spike allocation rate, leaf and spike output and transaction rate. (5) the yields between different water treatments differ significantly between 1%, As effected by the different amount of irrigation, the yields under the same water treatment between different lines differ too. Different water treatments on the impact of different wheat spike length, spikelet number and seed sterile spikelets were significance; sterile spikelet number with distance farther drip irrigation belt, the more sterile spikelets; the maximum number of spike grains were 48, the minimum is 11.7; grain weight of drip irrigation wheat is heavier than wheat of flood irrigation wheat, of which the 1000-grain weight was 51.8g.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期