

Liana Blanket Production Technology and the Application in the Slope Greening

【作者】 罗玲

【导师】 龙岳林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着城乡建设的快速发展,基础设施建设规模的不断地扩大,如铁路、公路、轻轨、水利工程以及地产开发等,由此产生了大量的边坡,其中也包括人工硬化边坡及自然岩石边坡,对这些边坡的绿化随之越来越受到重视,藤本植物在边坡水土保持工程及生态修复等方面起到重要的作用,表现了它特有的绿化效果。作者针对边坡绿化所需,采用查阅收集文献资料、实地调查和综合分析的研究方法,结合试验,提出藤毯绿化新概念,从筛选适合边坡绿化的藤本植物入手,全面探讨适合边坡绿化的藤毯生产工艺流程。主要研究结果如下:(1)通过实地考察分析,选取了适合湖南边坡绿化,同时也适合于制作藤毯的三种藤本植物:扶芳藤、常春藤、络石。(2)对扶芳藤、常春藤和络石进行扦插繁殖,探索藤本植物种苗生产技术,包括设施建设、插穗选择、扦插方式、生根期管理和移栽等环节。对扶芳藤的不同类型插穗成活率进行对比分析,提出最适合于扶芳藤的插穗要求。(3)提出了藤毯概念,主要参照草坪毯的生产方法,将藤本植物制作成藤块或藤带,边坡绿化时可直接铺装即可成覆盖成景。(4)探索出了一套藤毯生产技术,确定了藤毯适宜的生产规格,对扶芳藤、常春藤两种藤本植物进行了成毯试验,采用不同浓度的920进行对比试验,目的是促进藤本植物快速成毯,结果表明920促进生长效果显著,得出扶芳藤适宜的920浓度为1:1000,常春藤为1:3000。(5)提出了藤毯的应用方式,即根据不同边坡绿化的特点,提出点铺式、带铺式、满铺式三种藤毯绿化模式。(6)藤毯在边坡绿化中的种植设计,尤其对石质边坡进行藤毯绿化的种植设计。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of urban and rural development, infrastructure construction scale continually expanding, such as railway, highway, rail, water conservancy projects and real estate development, which has produced a lot of slope, including artificially sclerosis slope and natural rock slope of these slope greening, more and more attention, with soil and water conservation in large lianas plants slope engineering and ecological restoration, etc, played a key role in performance of its special afforested effect. The author of needed for slope greening, by consulting collect literature, investigation and comprehensive analysis, combined experimental design, this paper puts forward a new concept, cane blankets from screening for slope greening Liana plants for a comprehensive discussion of the slope greening Liana blanket production of the whole process. The main research results are as follows:(1) Through on-the-spot investigation analysis, screening for the slope greening of Hunan province, but also for cane three Liana blanket production plant:Euonymus fortunei, ivy, trachelospermum jasminoide.(2) Euonymus fortunei, ivy and trachelospermum jasminoide cutting propagation, provide for the set of Liana blanket production seedling methods, including construction of facilities, rooting cuttings, cutting way and transplanting of managing such links. To help the survival rate of different fragrance cane cuttings, puts forward a comparative analysis of the most suitable for the rotary fang cane cuttings requirements.(3) Liana blanket the concept of main reference now popular lawn blanket the approach to integrate slope greening Liana plant to make modules or cane belt, slope greening only when the summary of the assembly can into view.(4) Liana blanket production technology research, liana blanket specifications to determine and growing design, to Euonymus fortunei, ivy two fujimoto into blanket experiment, explore its growth promoting technology in production, so as to shorten the time, into blankets with different concentrations of growth hormone 920 comparative experiments, the results showed that the 920 promote growth through its cane effect significantly, the speed of the contrast blanket coverage, it is concluded that Euonymus fortunei cane long suitable 920 concentration contributed to growth promoting 1:1000, ivy for 920 concentration of 1:3000.(5), The application of forward liana blanket way, namely according to different slope greening, the paper introduces the characteristic of point spread type, belt pave type, wall-to-wall type three kind of liana blanket greening model.(6) The culture model of liana blanket, especially for the rocky slope cane planting design of green carpet.

【关键词】 藤本植物藤毯生产边坡绿化
【Key words】 LianaLiana blanket productionSlope greening