

Electricity Generation Form Aniline Wastewater Treatment Using a Microbial Fuel Cell

【作者】 武晨

【导师】 张嘉琪;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全世界范围内环境污染和能源紧缺日益加剧,新能源的开发和利用技术成为环境工程领域研究的一个重要的方向。微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)是一种利用微生物作为催化剂,将废水中的化学能直接转变为电能的装置。是一种全新的生物处理废水技术,其独特的产能方式为实现解决能源危机和水污染问题提供新的思路。本课题组自制双室微生物燃料电池装置,电池主体采用圆柱型,气密性良好、操作方便。微生物燃料电池工作时放到本实验室自制的MFC控温装置内控制反应温度,反应温度可控制在15℃-50℃。利用自制双室微生物燃料电池,分别以葡萄糖和乙酸钠为底物启动MFC,研究不同底物下MFC的产电特性及对有机物的去除效果。乙酸钠为底物MFC最大输出功率较葡萄糖为底物的MFC提高了33%,COD去除率提高了10.7%。阳极底物的COD浓度从1000 mg·L-1升至1500 mg·L-1时,输出功率密度增大了20%,当COD浓度从1500 mg·L-1升至2500 mg·L-1时,输出功率密度只增大了4%左右。温度从15℃上升至25℃时,输出功提高了27.7%,25℃升至35℃时输出功率密度提高了54%,本实验构建的MFC在35℃时产电性能及对污水的处理效果是最好的。空气作为阴极时最大输出功率密度较铁氰化钾作为阴极低147%,表明液态阴极电子受体的产电性能要优于气态电子受体。利用自制双室微生物燃料电池处理模拟苯胺废水。以葡萄糖成功启动的MFC,当苯胺初始浓度为500mg·L-1,葡萄糖的浓度分别为500、300、100 mg·L-1时,最大输出功率密度为205、180、169 mW·m-2,以500mg·L-1苯胺为单一燃料时,最大输出功率密度为87mW·m-2,苯胺的降解率为74%。苯胺和葡萄糖在不同浓度配比下,苯胺的降解率均在71%以上,COD的降解率在73%以上。以乙酸钠成功启动的MFC,苯胺的浓度保持500mg·L-1不变,乙酸钠的浓度分别为700、400、100mg·L-1时,最大输出功率密度为231 mW·m-2、207 mW·m-2、189 mW·m-2,以500mg·L-1苯胺为单一燃料时,最大输出功率密度为124mW·m-2,苯胺的去除率为87%。苯胺和乙酸钠无论在任何配比下,苯胺的降解率都能达到84%以上,COD的去除率达到88%以上。以乙酸钠和苯胺为底物,MFC的输出功率密度较葡糖和苯胺为底物的MFC提高12%以上,COD去除率和苯胺去除率提高了约14%和16%以上,苯胺作为单一燃料时,输出功率密度提高42%,苯胺去除率提高了22.5%。实验结果表明以乙酸钠启动的MFC处理苯胺废水时,产电特性及对苯胺的去除率都优于葡糖启动的MFC。

【Abstract】 World-wide environmental contamination and energy depletion are inspiring, great attentions have been focused on the novel technology of energy exploration and utilization in the field of environmental engineering. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are devices that use microorganism as the bio-catalysts to oxidize organic and generate current. MFC is a new biological treatment of wastewater. The unique way for power generation from MFCs provides a creative method which can be used to resolve the energy crisis and environmental contamination simultaneously.A two-chamber microbial fuel cell was designed, which the cell is cylindrical shapes. The airtightness of MFC is excellent to keep anaerobic environment and the performance is convenience. In addition, the thermostatic bath are manufactured to maintain thermostatic condition of MFC, which temperature is from 15℃to 50℃.A microbial fuel cell was constructed for the study of organic degradation and power generation when use glucose and sodium acetate as the fuel to start-up the MFC. Compared to glucose as the fuel, the maximal power density is enhanced by 33% and the degradation rate of COD is enhanced by 10.7% when sodium acetate as the fuel. When the COD in the anodic chamber is changed from 1000mg·L-1 to 1500mg·L-1, The maximal power density is increased by 20% while the maximal power density is increased by 4% when COD is changed from 1500mg·L-1 to 2000mg·L-1. The operation temperature is changed from 15℃to 25℃, the maximal power density is enhanced by 27.7%. when temperature is increased from 25℃to 35℃, the maximal power density is enhanced by 54%. So the MFC provided the best performance of power generation and organic degradation at 35℃. The maximal power density is increased by 147% using potassium ferricyanide solution in the cathode compartment compared to using an oxygen-saturated aqueous cathode, Results show that the gaseous electron acceptor has better ability to accept electron than solid electron acceptor.We study two different methods to start-up the MFC and to treat aniline waste- water .When use glucose as the fuel to start-up MFC, The initial aniline concentration is 500 mg·L-1 with different glucose concentrations (500 mg·L-1, 300 mg·L-1, and 100 mg·L-1, respectively), the maximal area power densities are 205, 180 and 169 mW·m-2, respectively, The maximum power density of 87 mW·m-2 and the degradation rate of aniline is 74% using 500 mg·L-1 aniline as sole fuel. The degradation rate of aniline reaches over 71% and rate of COD over 73% at different concentration ratio. When use sodium acetate as the fuel to start-up MFC, The initial aniline concentration is 500 mg·L-1 with different sodium acetate concentrations (700mg·L-1, 400mg·L-1, and 100 mg·L-1, respectively), the maximal area power densities are 231, 207 and 189 mW·m-2. The maximum power density of 124 mW·m-2 and the degradation rate of aniline is 87% using 500 mg·L-1 aniline as sole fuel. The degradation rate of aniline reaches over 84% and rate of COD over 88% at different concentration ratio. Results show the maximal power density, the degradation rate of aniline, and removal of COD are enhanced by 12%, 14% and 16% repectively using sodium acetate -aniline mixture as the fuel more than that of glucose-aniline mixture as the fuel, When aniline is used as sole fuel, the maximal power density is enhanced by 42% and the degradation rate of aniline is enhanced by 17%. Results show that the generation performace selecting sodium acetate as the fuel is better than that of glucose as the fuel to start-up MFC.
