

【作者】 宋盈熹

【导师】 陈红;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 劳动经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 薪酬管理作为人力资源管理工作中最受重视的部分,一方面影响着人力资源的合理配置与使用,另一方面又决定着劳动的效率。薪酬管理运用薪酬这一激励杠杆来引导企业人力资源向着合理的方向运动,从而实现人力资源的合理配置和使用。但是长期以来,在特定的经济制度下,我国国有企业主要是通过行政指令和计划的方法来直接确定不同类型的劳动者的薪资水平和薪资结构。作为一家国有企业,J公司在现行薪酬管理体系下虽然薪酬收入在不同级别或同级不同档次的员工之间存在一定的差别,但建立在这种差别基础上的激励机制存在明显的缺陷。本文结合J公司的背景、所处的发展阶段及中长期经营战略目标对J公司薪酬管理体系进行剖析,研究发现J公司现行的薪酬方案类别属于岗位工资制,其类别设计及运用都过于简单,没有区分不同部门、不同岗位之间的工作性质和工作内容,而是采用了统一的薪酬标准。并且存在着部分岗位薪酬水平定位与劳动力市场价位脱节;薪酬结构设计不合理;过度考虑员工累计贡献;没有建立正常的薪酬增长机制;薪酬管理办法及绩效考核分配方案不透明;绩效工资没有发挥应有的作用;领导意愿效力强于制度效力等问题。导致了员工对薪酬管理工作满意度不高,现行薪酬制度难以实现良好的激励效果。本文针对J公司薪酬管理体系中显现的问题有针对性的进行了优化设计。其中包括运用海氏分析法的理论明确了各岗位之间的相对价值;根据岗位评价结果,调整薪酬分配结构,打破以往对人不对岗的现况。通过调整薪酬结构,科学设计管理人员和司机的薪酬分配项目以及具体的分配比例,改善了现有的薪酬管理流程和体系缺失的状况。本文旨在研究如何运用“薪酬”杠杆调动员工的工作积极性和主动性,激发员工潜能,为J公司提供一个适应市场竞争和社会发展、能够推动企业可持续发展的薪酬方案,同时研究出一套能为同类型企业提供借鉴和参考的薪酬管理制度,为其他面临类似问题的企业提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Compensation management are the most important part in human resources management, it affect the human resources configuration and use. Also it determines the efficiency of labor. Compensation management always use pay leverage to guide the corporate human resources towards a reasonable direction, then to achieve rational allocation of human resources and use. However, in the particular economic system, China’s state-owned enterprises mainly through administrative directives and planning methods to determine the different types of staff wages and salary structure. Company J have a different levels of income, although the salary between employees have different level, but this difference incentives have obvious defect.According to company J’s background, the stage of development, long-term business strategy objectives and remuneration management system to analysis this case. Research found that the remuneration packages of J class companies are the current positions wage system, their design and application are too simple, there are no distinction in different department, job nature of work and work content. Instead of that are using a uniform salary scales. And there were some jobs pay level not match the labor market prices. The salary structure is unreasonable, excessive considering the cumulative contribution of employee, there is no normal salary increase. The compensation management and evaluation of one’s performance didn’t clear cause the unreasonable salary system, the performance pay didn’t work. The leaders’will stronger than the process. So this led to the management of employee satisfaction on pay is not high, the current pay system is difficult to achieve a good incentive effects.This payment management system for the company of J has too many issues, targeted to optimized design a payment system including analysis using the theory of the sea’s clear the relative value of each position, according to the results of job evaluation to do allocation salary structure, breaking the previous method to post on the status of human right. By adjusting the payment structure, design a management, drivers payment distribution projects and the specific allocation ratio, improving the existing system of compensation management process and the process of missing. This paper aims to research how to use of "pay" leveraged to mobilize staff enthusiasm and initiative to stimulate potential employees, for the company J with a market competition and social development, to promote the sustainable development of enterprises payment package and looking for a the same type of reference for compensation management system for other companies facing similar issues for reference.

【关键词】 薪酬薪酬管理体系优化设计
【Key words】 paymentpayment management systemredesigned