

【作者】 张东潮

【导师】 刘英骥;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 地方政府融资平台公司指由地方政府及其部门和机构等通过财政拨款或注入土地、股权等资产设立,承担政府投资项目融资功能,并拥有独立法人资格的经济实体。其功能主要是通过举债融资,为地方经济和社会发展筹集资金。在应对国际金融危机、保持国内经济稳定方面起了重要作用,但由于近年来举债规模迅速膨胀,运作不规范,潜藏着巨大的财政风险和金融风险,受到国家及相关部门的高度重视,特别是国发19号文对地方政府融资平台提出了清理规范的要求,在严格的外部约束下,必须重新寻找新业务定位和运作模式,探索适合自身发展的方式。西部地区融资平台运作模式相对落后,随着国家新一轮西部大开发战略的实施,必将承担起更为繁重的地区内建设项目融资任务,这就要求西部地方政府融资平台必须加快转变,制定适合的发展战略。从全国范围看,西部各省融资平台运营模式和所处的环境、经济发展水平等有许多共同之处,因此本文结合宁夏自治区的案例,对融资平台的发展战略进行研究。通过PEST和SWOT分析,对融资平台所处的外部宏观环境、产业环境以及自身资源和能力的分析,对平台公司的优势、劣势,与环境中的机会、威胁进行匹配,提出了基于地区的资源特点的战略定位,实施政府项目市场化运作,坚持阶段性持股的理念,将公益性业务与经营性业务独立运作、相互支持的运作模式。最后提出了西部地区融资平台战略调整要遵循的“四个转变”的建议。即融资平台的运营要从“公益性为主”向“兼顾公益性和盈利性”转变;从“空壳化运作”向“市场化运作”转变;从“实业经营”向“产融结合”转变;从“单一融资”向“多元化融资”转变。

【Abstract】 Local government-backed investment units is an enterprise established by local government departments and agencies through budgetary funds or into the land, equity and other assets and to funding for the government investment projects, it is entitled to an independent legal agency. Its main function is to raise funds for local economic and social development through debt. During the international financial crisis, it has played an important role in stabilizing the domestic economy. But in recent years, the scale of the debt rapid growth. Its operation was being the irregular. There was tremendous financial risk and financial risks in it, and attach great importance of the authority and relevant departments. Especially the 19 document issued by state council proposed to clean up and standardize the local government platform for financing. Owing to severe external constraints, it must be looking for the position of new business model, and explore ways to develop its.Operational mode of platform for financing the western region is relatively backward. as the national implementation of a new development strategy in the west; it will take on more arduous task in the financing for development projects. The platform model for financing the western local government must expedite the change. And the appropriate development strategies must be formulated.. In the national, there are many common aspects in platform operation model and economic environment, the level of economic development of western provinces, Therefore, with the case of the NingXia autonomous regions for financing platform will be researched in development strategy. With the analyzing method of PEST and SWOT, to the platform for financing the external environment, environment and resources and capacity of the company itself, the matching of superiority and inferiority and environment, opportunities and threats. Suggestion mentioned including the government projects, market-oriented operation, the initial idea of holding out on the region, the resources and strategic location. To form operational mode of operation platform for financing and business services operate independently and mutual support. Finally, Four changes were suggested that be the strategic readjustment of the western region. the platform for financing operations need to change from the public to take the public and profit, from their operation to a market-oriented operation, from industry to industry in the capital and financial integration, from single to raise funds through various channels.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】5
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