

The Study of the Solutions in Financing Predicament of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China

【作者】 唐雅男

【导师】 卢志明;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国目前有4000多万家中小企业和个体工商户,吸纳了75%左右的城镇人口和农村转移劳动力就业,对GDP的贡献率超过60%,对税收的贡献率超过50%,创新环节中有65%的专利,80%的产品开发来自于中小企业。这组数字说明了我国中小企业在促进经济增长、科技进步、增加就业、扩大税收等方面,发挥着极其重要的作用。但是中小企业在发展过程中陷入了融资困境,融资难已经成为制约中小企业发展壮大的最重要因素。由于种种原因,在所有的融资渠道中,中小企业融资只能以银行融资渠道为主。然而,随着中国金融环境的不断变化,我国商业银行的经营环境也面临着前所未有的压力:“利率市场化进行中”不断压缩银行的利润空间,越来越多的企业改间接的银行融资为直接的股票和债券融资,业绩上分流了银行的经营收入,加之银行贷款集中度趋高不下带来的信贷风险,这些问题都极大影响了银行未来可持续发展的能力。因此,加强中小企业信贷研究,加快贷款结构调整,增加中小企业信贷业务占比,无论是对于银行业务健康快速发展,还是解决中小企业融资难问题,乃至实现中国经济结构的调整和经济增长方式的转变,既是机遇,也是挑战。本文主要包括六个部分:第一部分是论文的研究背景与选题的意义、本论文研究的理论依据和方法、论文的研究过程和内容;第二部分为我国中小企业概述、银行融资现状及融资困境;第三部分介绍了中小企业融资难的相关理论分析;第四部分是以X银行为例分析中小企业银行融资难的成因;第五部分为以X银行为例提出解放思想、设立中小企业专营机构、创新产品、建立信用评价体系、优化审批流程、强化贷后管理和风险预警、完善激励约束等七个方面提出了具体解决方案;第六部分为结论。本文运用规范分析、比较分析和案例分析等方法。从我国中小企业发展的概况出发,首先介绍他们的定义、融资渠道、融资特点和在银行融资过程中遇到的问题以及形成这些问题的原因。在理论方面,重点介绍中小企业权益资本缺口理论、中小企业融资结构理论、信息不对称理论和信贷配给理论分析。并运用这些理论分析银行不愿意贷款给中小企业成因。实际中,以X银行开展中小企业信贷业务为例分析银行方面存在哪些原因阻碍了中小企业银行融资,并有针对性的提出了具体的解决方案。这一整套解决方案对于同类型的中小商业银行具有一定的推广价值和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In China, there are over 40 million Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) and individual traders with an employment of 75% labor force both from town and rural areas. Over 60% GDP and 50% revenue are from their contribution; meanwhile, they own 65% innovation patent rights and 80% product development. From the above figures, it is obvious that SME plays a vitally important role in the part of economic growth, advance of science and technology, creation of jobs, enlargement of revenue and etc. Nevertheless, the financing difficulty problem which SME are facing with during development has become a fatal element that impeding its growth, cause SME can only get financing from bank among all financing channels. With the changing of financial environment in China, the operation environment for commercial banks is facing unprecedented stress. Interest Rate Liberalization is cutting down the profits for banks, and meanwhile, more and more enterprises directly finance by equity or debt financing instead of indirect from bank. The operating revenue is decreasing, however, the credit concentration risks are increasing. All problems above are influencing sustainable development ability of bank in future. Thus it is of great important to intensify the research for SME, to accelerate the loan structure reform, to increase the proportion of financing business for SME. It is not only challenges, but also opportunities either for the healthy rapid development for bank, or to solve the financing problems for SME, even for the transformation of china economic structure adjustment and economic growth mode.This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is about the background and meaning of paper choosing, the basic research theory and methods, and the process and content of the research. The second part is an overview for SME in china and the financing situation and difficulty for bank. In the third part, it analyzes the correlation theory about the financing difficulty for SME. In the fourth part, X Bank is taken as an example to illustrate the cause of financing difficulty for SME. In the fifth part, puts forward a solution in seven parts for commercial bank, which are open minding, setting SME monopoly institutions, product creation, establishing credit rating system, optimizing accreditation process, strengthen management after loan and risk warning, and improving the infusion and commitment mechanism. The sixth part is conclusion. In this paper, it applies several analyze methods, including positive analysis, normative analysis, comparative analysis and case analysis. It begins with the general situation for the development of SME, and then it introduces its definition, financing channels, financing features, the problems during bank financing, and causes for those problems. In the theory part, it mainly discusses the SME equity-capital financing gap theory, SME financing structure theory, information asymmetry theory, credit rationing theory, and size-match theory. With these theories, this paper analyzes the reasons of bank financing difficulty for SME both in theory and in the Tianjin Bank, and puts forward specific aim solutions.

  • 【分类号】F276.3;F832.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】634