

【作者】 陈冰

【导师】 马晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 糖尿病肾病(diabnephrathy,DN)是糖尿病临床的微血管并发症之一,也是导致糖尿病患者死亡的重要原因之一,临床表现为蛋白尿、水肿、高血压和肾功能进行性损伤等症状。在祖国医学中,糖尿病肾病既属“消渴病”范畴,又属“肾病”范畴,故被称为“消渴病肾病”。DN发病隐匿,发病机制复杂,预后较差。早期糖尿病肾病是控制糖尿病肾病发展的重要阶段,积极有效地治疗可以逆转尿蛋白和减少终末期肾病的发生。目前西医治疗仅局限于降糖、降压、调脂、抗凝等方法,但是仍然存在药物疗效不确定、价格昂贵等问题。近年来,祖国医学有关糖尿病肾病的中医辨证论治研究越来越深入。继承和发扬祖国医学“治未病”的思想,早期发现、及时实施干预治疗,对于控制、延缓DN的发生、发展,提高DN患者的生活质量具有重大而深远的意义。一直以来,吾师用古籍经典开启诊疗思路,用临床实践验证中医经典,并能熟读方书,活用方药,特别是能应用中西医结合疗法改善DN患者的临床症状、降低各项生化指标、保护肾脏以控制病情发展等方面取得一定的疗效。

【Abstract】 Diabetes nephrosis (diabnephrathy, DN) is one of diabetes clinical capillaries complications, also causes one which of substantial clauses the diabetic dies, the clinical manifestation for the albuminuria, dropsy, hypertension and the kidney function carries on symptoms and so on damage.In the motherland medicine, diabetes nephrosis both are“diabetes”the category, and is“the nephrosis”the category, therefore is called“diabetes nephrosis”. The DN morbidity concealment, the pathogenesis is complex, the prognosis is bad. The early diabetes nephrosis is controls diabetes nephrosis development the crucial stage, treats effectively positively may reverse the urine protein and the reduced finally last stage nephrosis occurrence. At present the doctor practicing western medicine treats only limits in falls methods and so on sugar, voltage dropping, accent fat, antifreeze, but still had the medicine curative effect not definite, the price expensive and so on questions. In recent years, the motherland medicine related diabetes nephrosis’s Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment research was getting more and more thorough. Inherits and carries forward the motherland medicine“governs has not gotten sick”the thought that the early discovery, the prompt implementation intervention treatment, regarding the control, delays DN the occurrence, the development, improves the DN patient’s quality of life to have significant and the profound significance.Since continuously, my teacher with the ancient book classics opening diagnosing and treating mentality, with the clinical practice confirmation Chinese medicine classics, and could be familiar with the side book, applies flexibly the side medicine, specially can improve the DN patient’s clinical symptoms using the cooperation of Chinese and Western medicine therapy, reduce each biochemistry target, to protect the kidney to control aspects and so on condition development to obtain certain curative effect.
