

The Studies on the Developing Situations and Stratagies of the Teaching in the <Physical Eduation and Health> Courses of Some Junior High Schools in Qinhuangdao

【作者】 王茜

【导师】 杨学军;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年9月18日公布的第二次全国国民体质监测公报显示:我国中小学生体质状况令人担忧,耐力、肺活量、弹跳力、柔韧性等方面的身体素质均较之以前有所下降,近视率居高不下,超体重肥胖学生比率不断增高。[1]面对我国学生体质下降的严酷事实,我们认识到尽管有种种不利因素:饮食结构不合理、运动条件不允许、生活作息制度不科学,受到应试教育的影响等,但是我们学校体育教学有义不容辞的责任。河北省秦皇岛市于2006年实施了《体育与健康课程标准》,初中阶段开设的《体育与健康》课程,在青少年成长发育的关键时期,起到了举足轻重的作用。本文通过文献资料法、调查访问法以及数理统计法,以秦皇岛市市区10所中学的72名体育教师和相关学校的三(1)班的769名学生作为调查对象。对相关学校的《体育与健康》课程的师资情况、教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价、场地器材资源现状等进行了调查和研究,发现经验和不足,找出影响秦皇岛市市区部分中学《体育与健康》课教学的因素,并提出完善对策,为有关决策部门提供参考意见。在走访调查和理论分析的基础上,我们提出的结论如下:1.在调查的秦皇岛市市区部分初级中学中,相关校领导比较重视体育教学的常规工作,但对教师的培训、场地器材保障方面缺乏关注和支持。2.体育教师能够意识到《体育与健康》课程对学生身体发展、技能发展和心理发展的作用,但部分教师没有意识到《体育与健康》课程对学生终身发展和社会适应能力的影响。3.大部分学生喜欢《体育与健康》课,但学习态度不尽如人意,大多数学生在五个学习领域中有一定的体验,为终身体育发展奠定了基础,但少数学生在五个领域达成方面差强人意。4.在教学方法和手段方面少数体育教师方法新颖,大部分教师采用传统的常规教学方法和手段;教学内容较单一;大部分体育教师对学生的考核主要集中在运动技能和体能,教学评价多以教师评价为主。5.秦皇岛市体育中考对《体育与健康》课程有一定的影响,但是其考核内容和权重等还有待完善。针对调查现状我们的建议如下:领导重视。注重教师培养;进一步完善教学场地器材;加强学校与家长的交流沟通;体育教师更新理念,创新教学;建立新型师生关系,提高学生参与体育教学的积极性;完善体育中考制度。

【Abstract】 The communique of the second national monitoring of national constitution which is announced on September 18th 2006 shows:the physique situation of teen-agers in our country makes us worried. The physique characters have declined, such as stamina, lung - live, bounce, flexibility and so on; the percent of myopia is high, the ratio of fat students continually becomes bigger. Although there are many reasons that lead to the sever fact such as the unreasonable structure of food and drink, the simple sports condition and the bad habit of life, but the school sports teaching assumes responsibility. In 2006, the sports and health standards of course is implanted by Qinhuangdao in Hebei province, and the sports and health course plays an important role in students’middle stage which is a crucial growth time for juvenile.With the methods of literature reference, investigation and interview, questionnaire survey and data analysis, we extract 10 schools from 3 areas from the city of Qinhuangdao and take 72 sports teacher and class 1 grade 3 total 769 students from these schools as objects of survey. We investigate the circumstance of teachers, teaching objective, teaching content, teaching methods, the evaluation, the status of place and equipment resources; analyze the reasons affected the teaching of sports and health in part of schools in Qinhuangdao; make an summary on the teaching experience and inadequate in order to provide advice for the related departments that make decisions and make practical proposals for the sustainable development of the sports and health course.Based on the investigation and analysis, we conclude as follows:1. In parts of junior schools in the city of Qinhuangdao, the leaders have paid attention to the regular teaching in sports, but they neglect the training of P.E teachers and the guarantee of equipments and place.2. Sports teachers have realized that the sports and health course is good to the body, skill and psychological development of students, but some teachers is not aware of the influence on the lifelong development and social adaptation made by the sports and health courses.3. Most students like sports and health course, but the learning attitude of students is not so good. Most students get experience in the five fields and lay foundation for the lifelong sports development. But a few students do not reach the goal in the five fields.4. As to teaching methods and means, a minority of sports teachers has new way, most of sports teachers take the traditional teaching method and means; teaching content is relatively single; most of the sports teacher make tests on sports skills and physical ability and teachers are ones who take evaluation.5. The sport test has some affection on the sports and health of course in Qinhuangdao, but the assessment content and ratio need to be enriched and improved.6. According To the present situation we make suggestions as follows: leaders should pay attention to the teacher training and improve the teaching equipment and place; school should strengthen communications with parents; sports teacher should enrich their cognition and innovative the teaching; establish new relationship between teachers and students and enhance the students’initiative to participate in the sports; improve the system of sport test.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】102