

Simulation Research on Boring-milling Machining Center Based on Virtual Prototyping

【作者】 杜钟魁

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着数控机床的飞速发展,功能复合化成为了当今机床的一大发展方向,其中镗铣加工中心是国内外的研究热点之一。在机床的研发过程中,虚拟样机技术以其先进的研发模式、低成本短周期的研发效率以及可实现并行设计与制造的强大优势而得到了行业的广泛应用。本文以TX1600镗铣加工中心为研究对象,利用虚拟样机技术从多个角度对其进行了仿真研究,所得结果对工程实际具有一定的指导作用。本文主要内容如下:在查阅了大量的文献资料的基础上,介绍了本课题的背景、意义以及国内外对于镗铣加工中心和虚拟样机技术的研究现状并阐述了虚拟样机的基本理论。在SolidWorks环境下利用特征建模技术和自顶向下的设计理论建立了TX1600镗铣加工中心的虚拟样机,为机构优化与运动学仿真分析奠定了基础。采用有限元法在SolidWorks Simulation环境下对加工中心铣削部分进行了结构静力分析,研究了其整体结构在铣削力和重力作用下的应力应变。基于模态理论在ANSYS Workbench环境下,对加工中心铣削部分的组成部件及整体进行了模态分析,得到其前六阶固有振动特性。基于优化设计理论,以降低结构质量和提高固有频率为目标,对横梁进行优化设计。基于机构学和齐次坐标变换的方法建立了加工中心铣削部分的运动学模型并在SolidWorks Motion环境下对其运动学特性进行了仿真研究。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of CNC machine tools, functional composite becomes a major development direction of machine tools while boring-milling machining center is one hotspot of the current researches at home and abroad. With its advanced R & D model, low-cost and short-period R & D efficiency and a powerful advantage of parallel design and manufacturing, virtual prototyping technology (VPT) has been widely used in mechanical industry during the design process of machine tools.In this paper, simulation researches were carried out on TX1600 boring-milling machining center from various views with the use of VPT, the results of which would have a guiding role on the engineering practice. The key points of this article read as follows:The background and meaning of this topic and research condition of boring-milling machining centers and VPT at home and abroad were introduced while the basic theory of VPT was described based on a large number of documents. The virtual prototype of TX1600 boring-milling machining center was built in SolidWorks with feature-based modeling techniques and top-down design theory, which became the basis of kinematics simulation analysis and optimal design. A structure static analysis was carried out on the milling part of the machining center with FEM in SolidWorks Simulation. And the stress and strain of the overall structure under the cutting force and gravity were researched. Modal analysis were carried out on the components and the whole body of the milling part of the machining center in the ANSYS Workbench based on modal theory and six orders natural frequencies were obtained. In order to reduce structure mass and improve the natural frequencies, the optimal design of the beam was carried out based on optimization design theory. A kinematic model of the milling part was established based on mechanisms and homogeneous coordinate transformation method. And the kinematics simulation was carried out on the milling part in SolidWorks Motion.
