

The Research of Network Management Technology Based on Wireless Sensor Network

【作者】 徐海锋

【导师】 张文波;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪后,随着无线通信技术和微芯片技术的发展,无线传感器网络各方面的研究取得了重大进展,但无线传感器网络管理的研究还处于起步阶段。无线传感器网络是由大量随机分布的传感器节点,通过自组织的方式构成的一种大规模、无人值守和资源受限的传感网络。为了合理利用网络资源、保障服务质量和降低能量消耗,有必要对无线传感器网络进行网络管理的研究。本文对国内外无线传感器网络管理的研究现状以及研究成果进行了深入分析,借鉴ANNMP(Ad hoc Network Management Protocol)网络管理协议和MANNA (Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks)管理体系结构的思想,研究了无线传感器网络管理的相关理论,提出了无线传感器网络管理协议WSNNMP(WSN Network Management Protocol)。WSNNMP采用分层次的管理结构,管理站通过管理簇对网络节点进行管理。在分析了最大期望覆盖模型的优缺点后,通过向其中加入节点的能量因素,把最大期望覆盖模型改进成适合于无线传感器网络管理的成簇算法MSCBR(EMaximum Succeed Communication Based on Remainder Energy)。WSNNMP中的管理信息库由原始OID(Object ID)、虚拟OID和监控OID三部分组成。虚拟OID具有计算功能,可以把网络管理的部分计算分发到代理端进行,以减少网络的通信量。监控OID可以根据监控频率和监控参数对某个OID进行监控。采用本文中的简化编码规则对WSNNMP的协议数据单元进行编码使得编码后的数据包长度比采用基本编码规则编码后的长度减少了20%左右。最后,本文对MSCBRE成簇算法和采用WSNNMP协议的网络剩余能量采集进行了仿真分析。成簇算法仿真结果表明MSCBRE成簇算法选出的簇首节点一般都是能量较高的节点,并能最大化覆盖成员节点。能量采集仿真结果表明采用WSNNMP的虚拟OID计算功能和监控OID功能进行能量采集比不采用这些功能进行能量采集更能节省能量,WSNNMP协议在一定程序上满足了无线传感器网络的管理需求。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, with the development of wireless communication technology and micro-chip technology, the research of wireless sensor networks in all aspects has made significant progress, but the research of wireless sensor network management is still in its infancy. Wireless sensor network is a large, unattended, and resource-constrained sensor network, which consists of a large number of sensor nodes distributed randomly by self-organized manner. In order to use the network resources rationally, ensure service quality and reduce energy consumption, it is necessary to make the research on wireless sensor network management.In this paper, author analysed the domestic and international situation and results of research on wireless sensor network management deeply, referenced the network management protocol of ANNMP (Ad hoc Network Management Protocol) and the management architecture of MANNA (Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks), studied the theory of wireless sensor network management, proposed the wireless sensor network management protocol WSNNMP (WSN Network Management Protocol). WSNNMP uses the hierarchical management structure, and the management stations manage the network nodes through the management clusters. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the maximum expected covering model, through joining the energy factor of nodes into it, the paper developed the maximum expected covering model to clustering algorithm MSCBRE (Maximum Succeed Communication Based on Remainder Energy) that is suitable for the management of wireless sensor network. The MIB of the WSNNMP consists of three parts: the original OID (Object ID), the virtual OID and the monitor OID. In order to reduce the network traffic, the virtual OID with calculating functions can distribute the partial calculation of network management to the agent. The monitor OID can monitor an OID according to the frequency and parameters of the monitor. The paper encodes the protocol data unit of WSNNMP with the reduced encoding rules, which can reduce the length of the encoded data packet by 20% than with the basic encoding rules.Finally, this paper simulated and analyzed the clustering algorithm of MSCBRE and the residual energy collection of network which uses WSNNMP. The simulation results of the clustering algorithm of MSCBRE show that the selected cluster head nodes are generally higher energy nodes, which can maximize the coverage of the member nodes. The simulation results of energy acquisition show that using the computing function of virtual OID and the function of monitor OID to acquire the energy of networks could save energy more efficient than not using it, and WSNNMP can meet to the needs of the wireless sensor network management to a certain extent.
