

Experimental Research on Comprehensive Recovery of Polymetallic Iron Ore by Beneficiation

【作者】 邓冰

【导师】 张芹;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 多金属伴生铁矿石储量巨大,往往伴生有大量有用组分;此类矿石矿物组成复杂、多种伴生金属矿物之间互相嵌布、嵌布粒度粗细不均,单体解离过程中易造成部分矿物过磨,形成细泥罩盖,影响矿物分选回收;同时多种矿物可浮性交错重叠,浮选回收时,需要考虑各产品间的相互影响,回收工艺较为复杂。本论文以某多金属伴生铁矿石为研究对象,进行工艺矿物学研究,结合矿石性质确定合理的分选流程和药剂制度,并进行闭路流程数质量计算和产品分析,为该矿石综合回收以及开发利用提供一定的理论依据。该矿石为矽卡岩型多金属伴生混合型铁矿石,矿石中主要有用元素是铁、铜、硫,伴生金、银和钴,主要有害元素是硅、钙、镁。其中铁矿物主要以磁性铁和碳酸铁形式存在,铜、硫氧化率较高;钴以类质同象形式主要赋存于黄铁矿中;伴生金银呈单质状态存在。大量的弱磁性铁矿物难于回收对其资源综合回收利用具有较大影响。条件试验表明添加硫酸铜、硫化钠、水玻璃、石灰、碳酸钠、煤油等调整剂对该矿石铜硫粗选效果改善不明显;在相同药剂用量下,粗选分段加药更有利于粗选铜矿物的回收;乙黄药与丁铵黑药2:1混合用药具有一定协同作用。对比阶段磨矿和常规磨矿两种流程,开路流程试验中阶段磨矿流程虽然可提高铜精矿的品位1%~2%,但铜回收率降低2%左右。闭路全流程试验中阶段磨矿流程所获得的铜精矿的品位和回收率仅和常规磨矿闭路全流程试验相当,并不能进一步提高铜精矿的品位,未能达到阶段细磨预期的效果。粗尾分级再磨流程能较大程度地解离粗粒铁矿物连生体中的硫化矿物,可使铁精矿含硫低于0.1%。常规磨矿流程比阶段磨矿流程更适合处理该矿石,推荐使用常规磨矿流程,以先浮后磁为原则流程。浮选系统以铜硫混合浮选分离流程为主干;铜硫混合浮选采用两粗两精,粗选分段加药,混精浓缩脱药,石灰搅拌调浆;铜硫分离浮选采用一粗两精两扫,获得含金、银铜精矿及硫钴精矿;磁选系统,浮选尾矿经两段弱磁选获得强磁性铁精矿,弱磁选尾矿再进行强磁选。获得铜精矿含铜16.47%,含金6.5g/t、银15g/t,铜、金、银回收率分别为85.95%、74.55%及52.95%;硫钴精矿含硫33.28%,含钴0.259%,硫、钴回收率分别为54.81%及42.66%;弱磁选铁精矿含铁62.73%,含硫0.113%,铁回收率为41.85%。强磁选可获得铁品位为40.04%,回收率为35.05%的强磁选铁精矿。强磁选精矿含有大量的菱铁矿,烧损较大,烧损后铁品位可以达到54.71%。

【Abstract】 The polymetallic iron ores having huge reserves and often associating with a large number of useful components,the recovery technique for this kind of ores are often complicated because of the complex composition, minerals mutual embedded, nonuniform dissemination size, the overgrinding of minerals during mineral monomeric liberation, fine mud covers the formation, the flotability of minerals crisscross overlap.In order to get theoretical basis for comprehensive recovery of this ore, the process mineralogy, the reasonable ore separation process and appropriate pharmaceutical systems in combination with the nature of the ore, and the quantity and quality of closed circuit calculation are all researched in this thesis.This ore belongs to skarn-type polymetallic iron ore, the main useful elements are iron, copper, sulfur, accompanying gold, silver and cobalt, silicon, calcium, magnesium are the harmful elements. Magnetite and siderite are the mainly iron minerals, the oxidation ratio of copper and sulfur are high.Cobalt is mainly scattered into the pyrite in isomorphism, gold and silver is associated with other minerals.A lot of weakly magnetic iron loss in the tailing by LIMS, making some difficults for the recovery of iron.Conditions test indicate that the adding of regulators,such as copper sulphate, sodium sulphide,sodium silicate,lime,sodium carbonate, kerosene,has not obvious improvement for the copper-sulfide bulk roughing.Under the same dosage of reagents, reagent-adding in batches have more advantageous than concentrated dosing.The butyl xanthate and ammonium di-butyl dithiophosphate mixture collector has certain synergy.In contrast to conventional grinding process, the stage grinding process can improve the grade of copper concentrate 1% ~ 2%, and reduce the sulfur content of copper concentrate, but the copper recovery reduce 2% by open flowsheet test.The closed-circuit test show that the stage grinding cann’t receive the expected result. The iron concentrate which sulfur content in it is below 0.1%, canbe obtained by the process of classification-reginding of coarse tailing, which can greatly disintegrate sulfide minerals intergrowth with coarse grained iron ores.The conventional grinding flowsheet is more suitable for processing this ore.By adopting the flowsheet of reagent-adding in batches, the bulk roughing flotation and then two-bulk cleaning to obtain Cu-S rough concentrate,rough concentrate dewatering and removing reagents residue,a separation of Cu-S rough concentrate by one-roughing,two-cleaning,two-scavenging in the flotation systems, after that recovery the iron from the flotation tailing by LIMS and further recovery the weakly magnetic iron concentrate by HIMS.With the conditions of the grinding fineness of -75μm 80%, a copper concentrate with copper grade of 16.47%,6.5g/t gold and 15g/t silver canbe obtained, the recovery of copper,gold and silver are 85.95%,74.55% and 52.95% respectively. The cobalt sulfide concentrate with the grade of sulfur and cobalt are 33.28% and 0.259%,which the recovery are 54.81% and 42.66% respectively.LIMS concentrate with iron content 62.73% and recovery of 41.85%,which sulfur content canbe reduced to 0.113%,is also obtained in the closed-circuit.The concentrate with iron content 40.04% and recovery of 35.05% canbe obtained by HIMS,which the ignition loss iron content canbe reached to 54.71%.
