

Analysis on Quality of Life and Its Influencing Factors for the Widows of the Retired Veteran Cadres in Taian Zone

【作者】 赵建刚

【导师】 贺加;

【作者基本信息】 第三军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界人口老龄化趋势的不断加剧,老年人生活质量问题越来越受到重视。近年来,国内外学者对老年人生活质量的研究颇多,一些特殊老年群体的生活质量研究也在不断开展,但对丧偶老年人生活质量的研究较少。部队干休所的丧偶老年人以离休干部遗孀为主,目前尚未发现关于部队离休干部遗孀生活质量的文献报道。本文通过问卷调查,了解了泰安地区部队干休所离休干部遗孀的生活质量情况,并对相关影响因素进行了探索分析。方法:选用世界卫生组织生活质量量表中文版(WHO Quality of Life Scale WHOQOL-BREF)对泰安地区6所部队干休所的159名离休干部遗孀的生活质量现状进行问卷调查。利用epidata2.0和SPSS13.0软件进行数据录入和统计分析,统计方法采用方差分析、t检验和多元线性回归分析。结果:1. 96.86%的离休干部遗孀患有各类慢性病,所患慢性病的前5位依次是高血压、心脏病、脑血管病、高脂血症、糖尿病。2.离休干部遗孀生活质量四领域合计得分按百分制换算后为61.79±12.07,生活质量处于中等水平。3.离休干部遗孀对自身生活质量和健康状况的主观感受得分及各领域客观测评得分从高到低依次为:社会领域(74.21±14.53)、环境领域(63.58±13.53)、心理领域(58.05±13.39)、生活质量自评(56.13±22.45)、生理领域(51.33±17.65)、健康状况自评(49.84±22.24),说明泰安地区部队离休干部遗孀的生活质量客观评价高于主观评价。4.离休干部遗孀对自身生活质量的主观感受与家庭月人均收入、居住方式呈正相关,与年龄呈负相关;离休干部遗孀对自身健康状况的主观感受与慢性病患病情况呈负相关,与每周体育锻炼时间呈正相关;离休干部遗孀生理领域得分与慢性病患病情况和年龄呈负相关;离休干部遗孀心理领域得分与慢性病患病情况、年龄呈负相关,与受教育程度、居住方式呈正相关;离休干部遗孀社会领域得分与年龄呈负相关;离休干部遗孀环境领域得分与家庭月人均收入呈正相关,与慢性病患病情况呈负相关。结论:1.泰安地区部队离休干部遗孀生活质量处于中等水平。2.高血压、心脏病、脑血管病、高脂血症、糖尿病等心脑血管及内分泌疾病是泰安地区部队离休干部遗孀所患慢性病的主要种类。3.影响泰安地区部队离休干部遗孀生活质量的主要因素有:年龄、慢性病、经济收入、体育锻炼、居住方式和受教育程度。建议:一是进一步提高服务保障水平,让离休干部遗孀“老有所养”;二是进一步满足医疗保健需求,让离休干部遗孀“病有所医”;三是进一步丰富文体娱乐活动,让离休干部遗孀“老有所乐”;四是进一步做好心理慰藉工作,让离休干部遗孀“疑有所解”。

【Abstract】 With the increasing trend of aging population, the problem of old people’s quality of life is drawing more and more attention. In recent years, domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of researches on old people’s quality of life, some researches on the special old people’s quality of life are also developed continuously. But the researches on the widowed old people’s quality of life is few. The majority of the widowed old people in the army sanatoriums are the widows of retired cadres, it has yet found out reports about the quality of life for the widows of retired veteran cadres in the army sanatoriums. By questionnaire survey, this thesis researches on the quality of life and its influencing factors for the widows of the retired veteran cadres in Taian zone.Methods: Using WHO Quality of Life Scale WHOQOL-BREF, to survey the quality of life for 159 widows of the retired veteran cadres in 6 army sanatoriums in Taian zone. Through the software of epidata2.0 and the software of SPSS13.0 to entry data and statistical analysis, statistical methods includ anova, t-test and multivariate linear regression analysis.Results: 1. 96.86% of the widows of retired cadres is suffering from different kinds of chronic diseases, the top five ordinal of chronic diseases are high blood pressure, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, diabetes. 2. The four fields quality of life score of widows of retired cadres by 100 points after conversion is 61.79±12.07, showing their quality of life is at the midding level. 3. The different fields’ quality of life score of widows of retired cadres from high to low is as follows: social index (74.21±14.53), environmental index(63.58±13.53), psychological index(58.05±13.39),self-assessment score of the quality of life(56.13±22.45), physiological index(51.33±17.65) , self-assessment score of health(49.84±22.24), indicating that the objective evaluation for the widows of the retired veteran cadres in army sanatoriums in Taian zone is higher than the subjective evaluation. 4. Self-assessment score of the quality of life for the widows of retired cadres was positively correlated with monthly family income per capita and living style, was negatively correlated with age. Self-assessment score of health was negatively correlated with chronic illness, was positively correlated with weekly exercise time; physiological index score was negatively correlated with chronic illness and age; psychological index score was negatively correlated with chronic illness and age, was positively correlated with Cultural degree and living style;social index score was negatively correlated with age; environmental index score was positively correlated with monthly family income per capita, was negatively correlated with age.Conclusions: 1. The quality of life for the widows of the retired veteran cadres in Taian zone is at the midding level. 2. Hypertension, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes are the main kinds chronic diseases of the widows of the retired veteran cadres in Taian zone. 3. The main factors Influencing the quality of life for the widows of the retired veteran cadres in Taian zone are: age, chronic diseaseas economic income, physical exercise, living style and cultural degree.Suggestions: The first is that the widows of the retired cadres can be supported when they are old by further improving service safeguard level; the second is that the widows of the retired cadres can be treated when they are ill by further satisfing medical care needs;the third is that the widows of the retired cadres can be happy when they are old by further enriching stylistic recreational activities;The fourth is that the widows of the retired cadres can be understood when they are confused by further making psychological comfort.

【关键词】 生活质量老年人影响因素离休干部遗孀
【Key words】 quality of lifeelderlyinfluencing factorretired cadrewidow