

【作者】 杨晓溪

【导师】 孙南申;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 文化财产是一个国家和民族身份的象征,也是一国传承其文化和传统的重要途径。然而,几个世纪以来,大量的文化财产因战争、殖民、非法运输等途径而流亡于原所属国之外,对于文化财产的保护也逐渐引起各国的重视。据我国文物学会统计,中国文物流失惊人,数以百万计,精品达几十万件,涉及数十个国家和地区。其中一部分是战争期间被劫掠的,其余很大一部分是近年来非法走私而流失海外的。为更好的保护流失海外的文化财产,我国加入或批准了一些有关文化财产返还的国际公约,并且根据自身的实际情况颁布和修订了相关国内立法,基本确立了文化财产保护和返还的基本法律框架。近年来,随着联合国教科文组织1970年的《关于禁止和防止非法进出口文化财产和非法转让其所有权的方法的公约》被越来越多的国家接受,国际上逐渐兴起了向文化财产所在国法院起诉,并要求有关机构或个人将经非法流转至法院地国的文化财产返还其来源国或所有国的诉讼风潮。不久前,我国一些民间机构和个人也曾远赴法国法院起诉试图追讨该文物,引起了广泛关注。无论是在现有的国际公约机制下的保护和返还,还是司法途径的追回,或者是民间自发追讨流失海外的文化财产,我们不得不承认,每种途径或方式都带有与生俱来的缺陷。尽管国际社会已经努力建立了保护和返还文化财产的国际公约机制,但是由于国际公约本身的特点,国际公约机制对文化财产的保护并不十分充分。因此,将国际公约国内化,即通过制定或修订国内法来实施国际公约,就成为很多国家的必然选择。此外,文化财产的保护和返还又涉及到私法上的问题,因为国家作为所有权人,追讨的途径除外交途径之外,还有诉讼途径,而诉讼途径就必然会涉及法律适用的问题。因此,本文不仅介绍和分析了当前文化财产保护和返还的国际公约机制,而且也阐述了其中所涉及的法律适用问题。本文第一章简要介绍了文化财产保护和返还的基本理论,简要介绍了保护文化财产的历史背景和文化财产返还的基本情况,并介绍了文化财产保护和返还的理论依据和几个主要的国际公约。与此同时,还阐述了文化财产保护和返还的基本法律关系,理清了各方在文化财产保护和返还中的角色和地位。第二章对主要国际公约机制进行了介绍,分别从文化财产的含义、公约的适用范围、公约的文化财产返还制度、文化财产的争议解决和公约的特别制度等五个方面逐一阐述了三个主要国际公约的基本内容,从而建立了文化财产保护与返还的基本框架。第三章介绍了返还财产的国际公约,主要是1970年UNESCO公约在与文化财产有关的主要国家的实施,包括美国、英国、日本和瑞士,并对其所涉及的法律问题进行了相关的评述和探讨。第四章在前面叙述和讨论的基础上,简要分析了三个国际公约所面临的问题。最后,第五章介绍和分析了我国现行的国内立法,阐述了我国保护文化财产的基本法律框架,并对跨境追索我国流失的文化财产提出了些许建议。

【Abstract】 Cultural property is a symbol of a country or nation, but also an important way for the country to inherit their traditional property. However, for centuries, since a large number of cultural properties have exiled out of the country because of the war, colonization, illegal transportation and other ways, the world paid more and more attention to the protection of the cultural properties. It’s recorded by the Heritage Society of China that we lost thousands of millions of cultural properties. The lost cultural properties were involved many of the countries, in which part of the lost was robbed during the wars while the other part was illegally smuggle out of the country. In order to protect the cultural properties better, Chinese government joined, approved or signed several international conventions in relation to cultural property. In the mean time, according to the specific situation, China has established a basic legal framework regarding the protection and return of the cultural properties.Recently, many of the countries accepted the UNESCO Convention in 1970, "On Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Cultural Property Convention on the Means of Ownership", a trend of launching suits or actions to return the cultural properties is more and more popular. Not long ago, several Chinese and civil institutions of China went abroad to conduct actions in relation to cultural properties.Whether the existing mechanism under the International Convention, or recovered through legal ways, or returned via individuals, we have to admit, each means or methods would be born with defects. Despite that the international society has established a legal framework regarding the return of the cultural properties, however, due to the specific characters of the international treaties, the remaining legal framework cannot protect the lost cultural properties sufficiently. Moreover, since the protection and return of the cultural property involved the private and conflict laws, as the owner of the cultural properties, it can choose to return the properties through diplomatic way or litigation, and litigation is bound to involve application of law issues.Therefore, the article describes and analyzes not only the current mechanisms of return and protection of cultural property, but also the issues of conflict laws. The first chapter briefly describes the basic theory of the return of cultural property, the description starts from the conception of the cultural property. It then introduces the background and situation in relation to the protection and return of the cultural property, together with introducing several international treaties in relation to cultural properties. In the meantime, the author also describes the basic legal relationship in relation the return and protection of the cultural properties to clarify the roles and actions of multiple parties. The author introduces the basic framework of the international treaties in the second chapter, including the applicable scope, the return institution and dispute resolution. The author intends to introduce the legal framework of the treaties. Then the author presents the domestic laws and regulations of the main countries to enforce the international treaties, including the USA, British, Japan and Switzerland. Furthermore, the author describes the problems that the international treaties faced during their applications in the fourth chapter. Finally, it is the fifth chapter, the author describes the current legal framework of China and gives some suggestions to the return of the cultural properties lost abroad.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D997
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】258