

【作者】 潘俊伟

【导师】 徐迎晓;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 对于采取代理商模式的销售公司来说,持续稳定的合作伙伴关系是至关重要的。如果要让作为公司利润来源的代理商最大限度地为公司创造利润,那么为他们提供一个方便、快捷、准确、高透析度的采购方式是至关重要的。以往的网上订货系统只是关注订单与现货的供需关系,无法与采购信息关联,造成信息的不完整性,严重影响代理商的订单达成的准确性。另外采购系统也无法根据客户的订购信息来合理安排采购计划。然而制造行业产品的生产周期又很长,如果能够尽早获知市场的需求信息,对于缩短交货期是至关重要的。本文设计开发的网上订货系统不仅能根据现货安排代理商的订货申请,还能使用期货(采购信息)进行安排。同时核心分销系统也能够根据代理商在网上订货系统的订货要求安排采购计划,进行科学采购,最大程度降低库存量。提前获知代理商的订货计划也能指导销售公司的采购计划,实现利润的最大化。网上订货系统是按照分层的思想来逐层设计开发的。本文对于整个系统的逐层技术选择进行了分析,表示层选择使用B/S模式,服务层选用wCF的服务模式,数据访问层选用Managed Provider等等,并且给出了选用各项技术的原因和优劣分析。按照需求分成订单管理、特价管理、信息查询、系统模块、基础数据模块5个功能模块。本文对订单管理、特价管理、信息查询三个模块进行了详细设计和分析。并对网上订货系统的关键功能订单配货逻辑进行了详细描述,包括实现逻辑,效率优化方案,实现技术等。由于考虑到人性化的程序设计开发,使用了XtraCharts控件来实现这一配货处理功能,为其他程序开发使用这一技术提供了思路。本系统采用wCF作为通信基础和服务框架并整合各业务资源,为代理商提供网上直接订货的功能,将极大的降低了运营成本,提高达成代理商要求交货期的能力,此外合理的货物分配,增强了企业核心竞争力,提高了代理商的归属感。

【Abstract】 As to the sales company who adopt the agency mode to sales, it is very essential to reach to stabilize cooperation relationship. If we want the agent as a source of profit of the company to maximize profits for the company to create, it is also very essential and important to offer them more convenient, faster and exact acquisition methods.Previous online ordering systems are just concerned with the relation of order form and stocks, can not be relate with the purchase information, which resulting in incomplete information. It will have a seriously effect the agent to get the exact booking order. Besides, the purchase systems can not arrange the reasonable purchase plan against the client’s purchase information. Since the production cycle is very long, if we can achieve the market demand information early, it will very helpful to shorten the delivery deadline.The online ordering system can be designed against not only order application from spot agency, but also futures (purchase information), While the core distribution system also can arrange the scientific purchase plan against agent the online order, which can minimize the inventory levels at utmost. It can guide the sales company purchase plan if knowing the agent’s order plan in advance, in order to reach the profit maximization.The MAPS is designed and developed by the methods of multilayer. The technologies in every layer are analyzed in this article, The method of "B/S" is used in the presentation layer, The "WCF" is used in service layer, Data Access Layer selects "Managed Provider", and so on, and then the analysis that the reason and good and bad why used these technologies is showed in the article. As to the requirement, the system has five function modules:Ordering Module, Special Discount Module, Information Inquire Module, System module, Elemental Data Module. The detailed designer and analysis of Ordering Module, Special Discount Module and Information Inquire Module are showed in the article. And then it makes a special effort to describe the Key Function-Allocated Ordering in MAPS, Including logic, the Efficiency Optimizer, technologies for system realization and so on. Considering the humanization for the system, the XtraCharts is used in the function of allocated ordering. This Control used gives a reasoning for others system developing.As the communication infrastructure and services framework, the WCF is used in MAPS integrates business resources, it set up a stage for the agents to order the products directly, it will greatly reduce the operating costs and improve delivery time required to reach the capacity of agents, in addition to reasonable distribution of goods, and to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and improve the agency’s sense of belonging.

【关键词】 网上订货面向服务WCFXtraCharts
【Key words】 Online-OrderingSOAWCFXtraCharts
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】167