

【作者】 王文娟

【导师】 张真;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 环境管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 低碳经济发展理论是目前国际上研究的热点之一。对于作为能源供给主体的煤炭企业的低碳发展也有诸多研究。煤炭作为我国经济发展所依赖的最主要的能源,其能源地位具有不可替代性。随着经济增长,我国未来对煤炭需求量将会持续增加。在未来相当长时期内,煤炭在我国能源生产与消费中所占的主体地位不会发生改变。发展低碳经济是目前煤炭行业实现资源节约、经济发展和环境保护相协调的重要手段。研究煤炭企业的低碳经济,有利于转变企业的经济增长方式,促进煤炭资源合理开发和有效利用,缓解我国能源短缺的严峻现实。通过对国内外研究现状的分析表明,国外相关研究多集中于煤炭生态工业范畴下对具体技术和措施的实证研究,目的性强但指导意义不足。国内研究则多偏重于宏观研究,缺乏针对性和实操性。煤业集团既是能源的生产企业,也是能源的消耗企业,如何提高能效,节约用能,减少煤矿区的碳排放,是煤炭行业走低碳经济发展道路必然面对的问题。目前我国煤炭产业传统的发展模式,存在着许多严重问题,如环境污染、煤炭资源的产出率低、利用率低、回收率低等。实践证明,产业链优化是缓解和改进这些问题的有效途径。但现有的产业链研究和实践多是仅仅停留在对“煤炭产业链”这一术语的应用阶段,缺乏系统理论,无法指导企业进行投资决策。本文在对产业链理论进行回顾的基础上,对煤炭产业的特点和产业链的现状进行了分析。目前我国煤炭资源的不合理开发利用以及煤化工过热无序的发展,已经引发了诸多环境问题,如全球气候挑战。自2002年起兴起的国内煤炭产业链扩张热,其产生的后遗症随时间推移而逐步显现。实行产业链扩张的企业面临巨大风险,煤炭行业起伏剧烈,更严重的是会对国家能源安全产生不良影响。本文以兖矿集团为研究对象进行了煤业集团低碳发展决策的实例研究。针对煤矿区存在的主要碳源进行了初步分析,并对目前煤矿区的碳减排潜力进行了初步掌握。在对兖矿集团主要碳排放元素碳、硫和氟进行元素流分析的基础上,结合环境影响识别和碳源分析,甄别出企业现有产业链中存在的高碳环节:原煤采掘、企业自有电厂、煤化工和电解铝。本文对甄别出的高碳环节进行更深一步的调研,还对企业自有电厂、煤化工和电解铝环节进行了物质流分析,结合调研资料提出对兖矿集团产业链低碳优化的具体建议。以产业链的低碳转型和稳定性发展为双重目标,力争实现资源、经济与环境的共赢。

【Abstract】 Low-carbon economy is one of the hotest research issues at present. As coal’s overwhelming position in energy supplying, there’re lots of researches of coal low-carbon economy. As the most important and reliable energy resource for the fast economic development in China, coal can not be replaced by any other energy resources. Coal demand will increase remarkably as the rocketing up of economic development in China. It’s overwhelming position in energy output and consumption will remain for a long time.Low-carbon economy development is the key measure for coal Industry to realize a harmony relationship between resource economization, economic development and environment conservation at present. To research the low-carbon economy development of coal enterprise is beneficial for economic growth mode transformation of coal industry, promoting reasonable and effective utilization of coal resource and easing the rigorous condition of energy shortage. Foreign researches are mostly concentrated on case studies and relevant technologies and measures; these researches have detailed aims but can not provide sufficient guidance for coal low-carbon economy in China. The emphases of domestic researches are macro level; compared with foreign researches, pertinence and maneuverabilityis of domestic researches need to be increased.Coal mine is an enterprise to produce energy, but also consume energy. How to improve energy efficiency, to save energy and to cut down carbon emissions of coal mine area is an important problem for coal industry to take low-carbon economic growth road. There exists a lot of serious problems with the traditional development model of Chinese coal industry, such as the environmental pollution, low payout rate of the coal resource, low utilization rate. As been proved by the practice, improving industry chain of coal enterprise is the best choice to relieve and solve the problems. But much of the existing research pauses to the application stage of terminology the coal industrial chain, lacking the system theory and still having vacancy, cannot induct the enterprise makes investment decision.In this paper, on the basis of reviewing the strategic theory and the theory of the industry chain, the writer analyzed the characteristics of the coal industry in the industrial chains. Unreasonable use of coal and disordered development of coal chemical industry in China has triggered many environmental issues, such climate challenge. The sequelae caused by that take the coal chemical industry as the leading large-scale coal industrial chain since 2002 will appear gradually. It inducts huge risk of the coal enterprise and causes the coal profession to fluctuate fiercely. What’s more, it even endangers the country energy security.The paper takes Yanzhou Coal Mining Group as the research object for the case study of coal low-carbon economy. In the paper, it analyzes main coal emissions sources in coal mine area, and learned the potential of coal emission reduction at present. Based on element analysis of carbon, sulphur, and fluorin and the recognition of the environmental impacts and carbon emissions sources, the high-carbon sectors were founded. After doing material flow analysis of these high-carbon sectors, this paper provided the advises of coal low-carbon economy development, looking forward to implementing a coinstantaneous advance of economy, resource and environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F426.21
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】518