

【作者】 高春林

【导师】 支晓繁; 夏宽理;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题“群体事件应急处置辅助决策系统”是“突发性事件应急处置辅助决策系统”中的一个雏型。该课题主要是为解决聚众上访、非法集会、围攻党政机关等扰乱正常生产生活及办公秩序等群体事件的快速决策问题。本系统的主要任务是通过网络,对大量的数据、信息、知识理论、模型等进行抽取、提炼,并加以计算,得出预案,实施决策支持,进行决策评估、决策选优,生成一套可行的应急处置方案。系统还可以为相关部门进行预警监测、应急处置、矛盾化解、事态平息等方面提供一些先进的方法和手段,提高处置群体性突发事件的能力。本文首先介绍了决策支持系统的基本概念,以及当前此类软件的最新进展。而后着重介绍了群体性事件应急处置辅助决策系统的设计原则、基本功能、结构框架和具体实现等等。本系统是在INTERNET与INTRANET环境下,利用Oracle 8i数据库,将各种相关信息与模型结合,实现了它们之间的数据交换和通信。并利用人工智能技术,实现决策支持与预案及其他仿真计算。本系统通过网络编程技术来实现对群体性事件应急处置辅助决策系统的控制及其界面开发,并将模型计算和辅助决策的过程和结果可视化。本系统设计着重于使用预警监测、智能诊断、敏感信息搜集、预案生成、模型生成、无缝隙连接、系统集成技术等对快速决策的支持。基本实现了防患预警、信息分发、路径规划及现场可视化仿真等功能。这些研究成果,为进一步研究开发奠定了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 This item "mass incident emergency response Decision Support System" is a "sudden event emergency decision support system" in an embryonic form. The subject is mainly to address the mass appeal, unlawful assembly, party and government organs such as the siege disturb the normal order of production and living and office groups such as the event’s rapid decision-making problems. The main task of this system through the network, to large amounts of data, information, knowledge, theories, models for extraction, refining, and make calculations, plan, implement decision support, decision-making assessment, decision-making excellent selection to generate a feasible The emergency response plan. The system can also alert the relevant departments to conduct surveillance, emergency disposal, resolve the contradictions, the situation was calm and so provide some advanced methods and means to improve the handling of mass emergency events.This article first introduces the basic concepts of decision support systems, as well as the current of such software, the latest developments. And then focuses on incidents of group decision support system to deal with emergencies design principles, basic functions, structure, framework and the concrete implementation, etc.This system is at the INTERNET and INTRANET environment, using Oracle 8i database, which would combine all relevant information and models to realize the data exchange between them and communications. And using artificial intelligence technology to achieve the decision-making support and plans, and other simulation. The system through the network programming techniques to achieve the right mass incidents to deal with emergencies decision support system control and interface development, and model calculations and supporting decision-making process and results visualization.The system design focuses on the use of early warning and monitoring, intelligent diagnostics, sensitive information to collect, plan generation, model generation, seamless connectivity, system integration technology for rapid decision-making support. Basically realized a hedge against early warning, information distribution, path planning and on-site visual simulation and other functions. These findings for further research and development has laid a good foundation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】216