

【作者】 谢卫平

【导师】 侯健;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 劳动教养产生于新中国成立初期,是基于当时特定的历史条件而形成的特殊刑事政策。半个多世纪以来,劳动教养在打击和预防违法犯罪、稳定社会秩序方面发挥了重要作用,为我国经济社会的稳定发展做出了重要贡献。但是在新形势下,劳动教养制度自身存在的诸多缺陷已经成为影响劳动教养制度能否成功运行的障碍,其存在的现实合理性也因此而遭到广泛质疑,围绕劳动教养制度是否应当保留的争论至今还如火如荼。在这一背景下,对劳动教养制度展开研究,梳理其产生发展的历史沿革,分析其存在的制度弊端,并为其改革指明方向无疑具有较强的理论意义和实践意义。全文除引言和结语外分为四章:第一章为劳动教养制度的历史发展。这一章梳理了劳动教养制度产生的历史背景及五十多年来的发展变迁历程。也分析劳动教养制度的历史作用。劳动教养经过几十年的实践,为我国社会治安的维护、经济的发展做出了贡献。第二章为有关劳动教养的论争。首先介绍了劳动教养论争产生的历史背景,即劳动教养制度产生当初的社会历史条件已不复存在,原有制度中的诸多规定与法治人权理念格格不入。然后阐述了学术界关于劳动教养论争的主要内容,包括劳动教养性质和劳动教养存废的论争,最后简要介绍了关于劳动教养存废的官方立场。第三章为劳动教养制度的合理性与改革必要性。首先论述了劳动教养的现实合理性。虽然劳动教养制度受到了广泛质疑,但是该制度因能弥补我国刑罚制度的结构性缺陷而具有的现实合理性却毋庸置疑,而且经过五十多年的成功实践,其历史功绩不可抹杀。其次,分析了劳动教养制度存在的以下缺陷:审批机关和审批程序的规定不符合法治原则:适用范围上的缺陷;期限过长;监督制约措施不力。因此,要在现今社会条件下继续发挥劳动教养的制度功能,就必须改革该制度。第四章为劳动教养制度改革的基本思路。文章认为,劳动教养制度必须走司法化改革之路方可克服现存制度缺陷,为此必须在程序上确立公安机关调查权、人民法院审理、人民检察院监督和司法行政机关执行的四位一体的劳动教养运行机制。同时,要缩短劳动教养的期限,使之与行政处罚和刑罚前后衔接,从而在惩罚力度上形成由行政处罚—劳动教养—刑罚构成的制裁体系。最后还应该改革劳动教养适用范围,增强法律制度的操作性并使之符合法制统一原则。

【Abstract】 The Reeducation through Labor System was established after the birth of the People’s Republic of China. It is a specific criminal policy and was established based on the special historical conditions of new China. The system has been playing a vital role in striking and preventing crimes, stabilizing social orders, and has been contributing a lot for the healthy development of Chinese economy. But under the new circumstances, the defects of the system has become the obstacles which hold back its functions, the rationality of its existence is questioned by the public. The debate about whether this system should be deserted is very violent nowadays. Under this situation, it is necessary to study the system by combing out its historical development, analyzing its abuse. This study is theoretically and practically vital for its revolution.Besides the introduction and conclusion, this thesis contains four chapters.Chapter One:The historical development of the Reeducation through Labor System. This chapter introduces to us the evolution of the system in the past fifty years. After several decades’practice and application, the Reeducation through Labor System has made great contribution to the maintenance of social order and development of Chinese economy.Chapter Two:Debates about the system. First, this chapter introduces to us the reason why the big debate is born. The historical conditions which give birth to the system have gone. Many regulations in the system contradict with the logos of the law. Second, this chapter elaborates to us the major subjects of the debate, including the nature of the system and whether the system should be deserted. And the official standpoint is given and introduced at last.Chapter Three:The advantages and disadvantages of the System of Reeducation through Labor. First:the rationality of the system. Although the system is questioned by the public, but it is rational for making up the defects of Chinese penalty system. After fifty years’successful practice, it’s achievement in our country can never be blot out. Second, analyzes the defects of the system:the examiner office and examine procedure are against the principles of law; defects on the sphere of applications; the prison term is too long; lack of supervision measures, etc. Therefore, a revolution is necessary if we want to use the system under the socialism conditions.Chapter Four:how to innovate the System of Reeducation through Labor. According to the spirit of the thesis, the defects of the system can be overcome if combine its regulations with judicial justice. Therefore, the investigation power of the public security office, the judicial power of the courthouse, the supervision power of the procurator’s office and the administration power of the administer office should be established in the system of Reeducation through Labor. At the same time, the term of penalty in the system should be cut short, so a new penalty system, which combines the administrational punishment, reeducation through labor and criminal penalty, can be formed. At last, the sphere of the application of the system should be innovated, too. So the System of Reeducation through Labor can coincide with the principles of legal system.

【关键词】 劳动教养改革司法化
【Key words】 Reeducation Through LaborInnovateJurisdictionalize
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D926.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】478