

【作者】 李尚子

【导师】 刘海贵;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以大众传媒公共性作为研究对象,选取《南方方人物周刊》中的“公共“栏目为切入点。在实证研究和文本分析的基础上,结合访谈形式完成对问题的分析思考。本文呈现的内容主要包括:对当前大众传媒公共性研究的整合梳理;对《南方人物周刊》“公共”栏目内容的量化考察和文本呈现;在厘清大众传媒公共性考察标准的基础上,对“公共”栏目的公共性表现做出描述;指出大众媒介公共性表现中可能存在的问题和误区,并对其影响因素做出分析。本研究最终得出的结果包括:当前大众传媒公共性的主要弊端包括:大众传媒自身对“公共”概念有意或无意的误读;大众传媒公共性发挥更多依赖主观意愿,缺少客观要素的制约和保障等。而就造成此类现象的原因而言:受众本身既是大众传媒公共性发挥的基础,也是其制约因素;政治和商业的双重力量均对大众传媒公共性具有负面的影响,后者的影响有时亦通过受众力量的发挥而得以体现。同时,本文也尝试在研究进行的过程中,结合《南方人物周刊》公共栏目的特点及个人思考,对大众传媒公共性发挥提出意见和建议。以期在进行个案研究的同时,能够为大众媒介整体公共性发挥提供参考,进而获得更大的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 This article take the public of mass media as the research object, and choose the program of Publicity from the Southern People Weekly as the entry point to complete the analysis of the question on the base of empirical study and text analysis by the form of interview.The main content of this paper include the following aspects which is the integration of the public of mass media research, the quantitative study and text show of the program content, the description the problem and mistakes of public performance, and the analysis of the factors affecting.The conclusion of this paper is the summary of present situation and the explanation of the reasons. Nowadays mass media themselves misreading the concept of "public" Intentionally or unintentionally, in addition the public of mass media exertion depend on subjective desire more than others and lack of the constraints and security from the objective elements, that’s what the abuse is. Furthermore, audience itself isn’t only the foundation of the public of mass media exertion, but also constraints element, politics and commerce bring in the negative impact simultaneously and the latter’s influence sometimes reflects by the audience, and that’s the reason.At the same time, this article also try to propose some meaningful comments and suggestions through this paper in order to provide more reference in nowadays research and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】415