

【作者】 黄麒玮

【导师】 孙晓屏;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 鉴于代币票券的流通和使用有可能会影响人民币法定货币的权威地位,我国法律明令禁止制作、发行任何形式的代币票券。因此,购物卡券也因被认定为是代币票券的一种而惨遭严禁。我国历史上曾多次以通告、通知等形式的法律文件禁止对购物卡券的发售行为,但是由于其便利性和吸引顾客等特点,购物卡券在我国有着巨大的市场需求,因此屡禁不止并有愈演愈烈之势。如今,各色各样的购物卡券充斥于人民的日常生活之中。另外,购物卡券是国际商业的一种通行规则,中国政府对于购物卡券的禁令迫使很多在中国落户的国际商业巨头改变商业习惯。但是,在中国入世以后全面开放商业零售业的大环境下,禁止发售购物卡券的规则显然与中国走向世界的宗旨格格不入。随着改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,各界对于购物卡券的态度也日益发生了变化。越来越多的学者认识到有限制的开放购物卡券市场的必要性。笔者认为,虽然购物卡券可能存在威胁国家金融秩序、滋生腐败等一系列问题,但不可否认的是购物卡券的发售对于商业企业和消费者来说是有很多好处的,其在其盘活市场、促进经济发展方面也是功不可没的。国外也存在类似于我国“购物卡券”的现象,并围绕该现象形成了一系列相关的制度规范。有国外相关制度的前车之鉴,我国有限制地允许购物卡券的发售是具有可操作性的。所以,我国不应因噎废食,而应改“堵”为“疏”,构建完善的法律调控制度体系防范购物卡券的风险,克服其弊端,充分发挥其有利于经济的积极作用。笔者试图通过本文为购物卡券的法律调控制度的构建提出可行的建议。本文首先从购物卡券的基本理论着手,介绍了购物卡券的定义、分类、特征及其法律关系。然后,梳理了我国购物卡券的演变过程,并介绍了我国购物卡券环境的现状。随后,本文以美国和日本的购物卡券调控制度为例,简单介绍国外相对比较完善和成熟的制度。虽然其中也存在不少问题和争议,但是相比中国在该领域的法律规制真空状态来说,是极富借鉴意义的。因与逃税、腐败、损害消费者权益等问题相联系,购物卡券一直遭受质疑,这些弊端也反对开放购物卡券市场的学者的有力武器。因此,笔者对购物卡券的利弊进行了分析,列举了购物卡券的优点,反驳了某些强加在购物卡券头上“欲加之罪”,希望以此能够使公众正确客观地认识购物卡券。在此基础上,笔者从购物卡券的行政监管、消费者权益保护、购物卡券犯罪的刑事处罚制度三个大的方面,初步构建我国购物卡券法律调控制度体系。本文从法律理论和商业实践的角度探讨了购物卡券在实践中已经遇到和将要遇到的法律问题,期望能够为构建适合中国国情的购物卡券法律调控制度提出有利的建议。

【Abstract】 Because the use and circulation of token money will challenge the authority of RMB as the legal tender, the Chinese law prohibits the production and sale of token money in any form. As a result of that, the shopping cards and certificates, which have been seemed as one form of token money, have been banned too. In the past, the production and sale of shopping cards and certificates has been forbidden by several notice, notification and other legal documents in our country. However, with the features of convenience and attracting customers, the demand for shopping cards and certifications is so huge that the market is still active under the prohibition. Nowadays, our daily life is full of great varieties of shopping cards and certifications.What’s more, issuing shopping cards and certifications is a prevailing rule of international commerce. So, many international retail giants have been forced to change their business practice because of the bans of Chinese government. But under the condition of full liberalization of retail market after China’s accession to the WTO, this prohibition is clearly incompatible with the purpose of integration into the world. With the deepening of Reform and Open and the development of market economy, the attitudes towards shopping cards and certifications are changed. Growing number of scholars have realized the necessity of open the marker of shopping cards and certifications with some legal limitations.The author holds that, though shopping cards and certification may lead to the national finance disorder, corruption and the likes, it is undeniable that they bring many profits to the commercial enterprises and customers, while they can promote the development of economic. There are similar phenomena as shopping cards and certifications in foreign country, and regulations related have been well founded. These foreign regulations indicate that it’s possible for us to open the shopping cards and certifications market with regulations. So we should establish well-developed regulation system, so the risks and disadvantages can be prevented, and in the other hand, the positive role in favor of economic will be fully played. The author intends to offer some feasible suggestions for this Chinese regulation system by this article.This article begins with the basic theories of shopping cards and certifications including the definition, categories, characteristics and legal relationship of the shopping cards and certifications. Secondly, the author introduces the history and the present status of shopping cards and certifications. Additionally, the author introduces the legal system as related references. Though there are also some problems and debates on this issue, there are still good references compared with China.Connecting with tax evasion, corruption, damage of customer interests and the likes, shopping cards and certifications have always been challenged by some scholars who fight against the open of market. Because of that, the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages by listing them and refutes some prejudice, in order to make people understand the shopping cards and certifications in a correct way. On the basis of that, the author tries to establish the regulation system through administrative supervision, customer protection and criminal penalty for related crime. By study on this issue from the prospective of legal theories and business practice, the author is in the hope of offering feasible suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.294;D923.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】301