

【作者】 陈思行

【导师】 张陆洋;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 金融学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 风险投资的兴起带动了科技创新的发展,从而成为当今世界各国经济发展的重要推动力。在风险资本与科技产业并驾齐驱快速发展的背后,蕴藏着其产业本身巨大的金融经济价值,同时也蕴藏着风险投融资活动中资产定价和风险管理系统混乱所带来的隐患。本研究旨在通过对风险投资行为的深入剖析和对资产定价理论的逻辑梳理,对标准资产定价模型在风险投资中的适用性问题得出一定程度的分析与解决。本研究主要回答两个问题:(1)标准的资产定价理论是否适用于风险投资,主要局限性表现在哪些方面;(2)标准资产定价理论能否通过改进使之适用于风险投资,模型应该怎样设定,有哪些创新的方向。针对第一个问题,本文首先分析了标准资产定价理论的思想框架和组成部分;其次在对照的基础上深入剖析了风险投资过程的特性,即风险投资中的资产定价一方面是创业风险主导的定价,另一方面投资行为本身也内含并创造了一定价值,而且风险资产的价值还受到投融资契约的显著影响;由此得出标准理论应用于风险投资中的八点局限性。针对第二个问题,本文从现实世界的实践经验角度出发,通过介绍国际上的成功案例提供定价思路;继而根据风险投资的各项特点,提出各具体模型在风险投资中各个阶段的适用性;然后研究了如何通过对现金流贴现模型和实物期权模型前提假设和模型设定的调整,构造应用于风险投资中的定价模型,主要包括如何根据创业风险调整贴现率,如何预测风险投资未来现金流,风险投资中包括哪些实物期权,如何评估这些实物期权的价值等等;最后考虑到研究能力和时间的限制,针对本研究的不足以及风险投资实践资产定价的需求,提出了未来的创新方向。

【Abstract】 The rise of venture capital pushes forward the development of scientific and technological innovation, now becoming an important impetus for economic development all around the world. Behind the rapid development of venture capital keeping pace with science and technology industry, the industry itself bears a huge financial and economic value, but also bears hidden dangers caused by the disorder of the asset pricing and risk management system in venture investment and financing activities. This study intends to through in-depth analysis of venture capital behavior and the logic of asset pricing theory, to a certain degree analyze and solve the applicability of standard asset pricing model in venture capital.This study mainly answers two questions:(1) whether standard asset pricing theory can apply to venture capital, in what aspects there are the major limitations; (2) whether the standard asset pricing theory can be improved to apply to venture capital, how the model should be set, what can be the direction of innovation. For the first question, the paper first analyzes the ideological framework and components of the standard asset pricing theory; then on the basis of comparison, the paper studies the characteristics of venture capital process in-depth, namely, in one hand, asset pricing in venture capital is the pricing led by entrepreneurial risk, in the other hand, investment behavior itself also contains and creates a certain value and the value of risky assets has been significantly affected by the investment and financing contract; from these, we get eight limitations of the standard theory when it is applied to the venture capital. For the second question, from the perspective of the real-world practical experience, this paper provides pricing ideas by introducing the international successful cases; then according to the characteristics of venture capital, raises the applicability of each specific model in the various stages of venture capital; afterwards, study how to construct pricing model applied to venture capital through adjusting assumptions and model specification of discounted cash flow model and the real option model, mainly including how to adjust the discount rate based on the entrepreneurial risk, how to predict the future cash flows of venture capital, what kind of real options are included in venture capital, how to assess the value of these real options, etc.; finally, in consideration of the research capacity and time constraints, for the defects of this research and the demand for practice of asset pricing in venture capital, the paper sets out the future direction of innovation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F830.9;F224
  • 【下载频次】313