

【作者】 姜烨

【导师】 李小宁;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代,伴随着信息技术的发展,网上证券交易成为一种全新的证券交易方式,具有旺盛的生命力,并且成为证券业进-步发展的重要方向。网上证券交易以其低成本、高效率、突破时空限制等优点吸引了众多投资者,但任何事物都有其两面性,网上证券交易在给投资者带来便利的同时,也隐藏着诸多风险,比如交易风险、信息风险、资金管理风险、技术风险等其他风险,这些都给世界各国证券监管机构提出了难题。我国网上证券交易发展至今也就不过十年左右的历史,由于现有的证券监管体系产生在互联网大规模发展之前,因此,对网上证券交易的监管也仅有一些简单的暂行规定,对网上证券交易中出现的问题也不能有效地解决,这就迫使我们要尽快地完善我国网上证券交易监管体系。鉴于此,笔者试图借鉴国外发达国家比较成熟的制度,结合我国目前网上证券交易发展状况,就如何进行网上证券交易法律监管进行探讨。全文共分为五个部分:第一部分:引言。指出对网上证券交易监管进行研究的必要性。第二部分:网上证券交易概述。从网上证券交易的概念入手,分析网上证券交易的优势和风险。第三部分:网上证券监管概述。提出网上证券交易监管的目标和原则,引人美国网上证券监管的经验介绍。第四部分:网上证券交易监管的内容。该部分从网上证券监管的主体和内容两方面对网上证券交易的法律监管进行分析。第五部分:我国网上证券交易监管的立法。该部分分析了我国网上证券交易的立法现状,并提出完善意见。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990’s, following the development of information technology, the online securities trading had turned up as a completely new style in the line of business. Endowed with great vitality, it pointed out the way forward for the market and became widely accepted by the dealers and investors for its merits of low costs, high efficiency and breakthrough of restrictions by time and space. However, everything divides into two. Apart from the convenience brought to the investors, the online trading of securities carries hidden risks as well, such as the risks in trading, information, capital management and technology, which will increase difficulties for the job of the securities regulatory authorities in the world.China’s history of the online securities trading is in less than ten years. As the current securities regulatory system had been set up before the large-scale development of the internet, only some simple and interim regulations with regard to the online trading of securities are available, which are insufficient for the solution to the problems arising from there. Thus, an urgent need to improve the relevant regulatory system comes up. In view of this, the article will discuss what to do for it by introducing the mature systems in the developed countries and linking to the situation in China.This article is divided into five sections:SectionⅠ:Introduction. The necessity of the study of online securities trading regulation.SectionⅡ:Overview of Online Securities Trading. Starting from the concept of online securities trading, then analyzing the advantages and risks of online stock trading.SectionⅢ:Overview of Internet securities trading regulation. Include the principles and purpose of online securities trading regulation, and the introduction of U.S. online securities trading regulation experience..SectionⅣ:Contents of online securities trading regulation. This part analyses the online securities trading regulation from the regulators’ view as well as from the contents of the regulation.SectionⅤ:Legislation of online securities trading. This part analyses the current situations of the legislation of online securities trading, and gives a complete set of proposals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.287;F832.51
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】193