

On Sino-U.S. Environmental Cooperation’s Regimes: Achievements and Challenges

【作者】 董勇

【导师】 张建新;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际关系, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球环境问题的加剧,环境治理成为国际关系中的重要内容,各种国际环境机制应运而生。中美作为世界上最大的发展中国家和唯一的超级大国,对于全球环境的治理具有重大的影响力。中美通过在全球性的国际环境机制中的互动、地区性环境机制中的协调和中美双边的环境合作对全球环境治理发挥了重要的作用,也促进了两国关系的发展。本文运用国际机制的理论,结合当前环境治理的实际,对中美之间主要的环境合作机制做了一番梳理;并通过对中美在各种层次的环境机制中的合作与冲突的分析,论述了中美环境合作机制的成就与问题,从而提出一些微薄的建议,以期对中美环境合作有所裨益。本文的主要内容有:导论部分表明写作的目的和研究的意义,并介绍所采用的理论与方法;第二部分,即文章的主体,分为四章,分别是国际机制理论与国际环境机制,中美环境合作的历史与现状,中美环境合作的机制,以及中美环境合作机制的评价;最后部分,是本文的结论,进一步概括全文的观点,并展望了中美环境合作机制未来的发展。国际环境机制按其属性分为全球性、地区性和双边环境机制,中美之间的环境合作也是依托于这些机制来开展的。在全球性国际环境机制中,中美之间的差异和分歧较多,在双方的互动中,以斗争为主,中美之间的互动对于以气候变化机制为主要内容的全球环境机制的形成、变革和发展具有重大的影响;在中美共同参与的地区性的环境机制中,双方通过务实的协调,取得了良好的成效,促进了地区的共同发展;在双边的环境合作机制中,中美通过领导人会晤、建立对话机制、签署合作协议和开展合作项目等方式实现了机制化程度的迅速提高,保障了中美环境合作的持续稳定发展。中美环境合作的机制在取得重大成就的同时,也存在着有效性不强、稳定性不高、数量少、范围小等问题。中美环境合作机制拥有共赢的基础,具有广阔的扩展空间,未来,其重要性也会越来越强。中国应当坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,促进全球性环境机制的公正公平发展;遵循现有国际环境机制的规定,推进各种层次的区域性环境机制建设;落实科学发展观,推动低碳经济发展,增强自身的环境能力,提高对外环境合作的自主性和竞争力。

【Abstract】 With the intensification of global environmental problems, environmental governance becomes an important part of international relations. Besides, international environmental regimes came into being. China and the U.S. as the world’s largest developing country and the only superpower, have a significant influence on the global environmental governance. Through the interaction under the global environmental mechanisms, the coordination under the regional environmental mechanisms and bilateral environmental cooperation, China and the USA has not only played an important role in the global environment governance, but also promoted the development of their bilateral relations.In this paper, the author want use the theories of international regimes, associated with the practice of the current environmental governance, to sort out the regimes between the Sino-US environment cooperation. As well as through the analysis on the cooperation and conflict in this various levels of environmental regimes to make some conclusions on its achievements and problems. Stilly, in order to put forward some modest proposals to be beneficial to Sino-US environmental cooperation. This paper has three parts. Introduction to some that the purpose of writing and research significance, and describes the theory and methods used is the first part. Second part of the article is divided into four chapters:Firstly, International regime theory and International environmental regimes; Secondly, Sino-US environmental cooperation’s history and current situations; Thirdly, Sino-US environmental cooperation regimes; Fourthly, the evaluation of Sino-US environmental cooperation regimes. Last part is the conclusion, given some prospects for the future of Sino-US environmental cooperation regimes.The Sino-US environmental cooperation regimes are based on a win-win condition, with a broad expansion space. In the future, its importance will become increasingly strong. China should adhere to the "common but differentiated responsibilities" principle, to advance the global environmental regimes’ justice and equitable development; should follow the provisions of existing international environmental regimes, to promote regional environmental mechanisms’building; should implement the scientific development concept, facilitating low carbon economic development, to increase the autonomy and competitive power of foreign environment cooperation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D822.3;X321
  • 【下载频次】275