

【作者】 李贝雷

【导师】 瞿晓敏;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 企业是经济活动中的主体,其存在的合法性依据应当就是其所承载的社会功能和社会责任。但在传统的经济理论和实践中,赚取利润事实上成为了企业追逐的唯一目标,再加上政府的不作为和监管不力,导致了企业社会责任意识匮乏或缺失现象的愈演愈烈,其结果就是民众的合法权利受到重大的乃至长久性的侵害。作为经济社会的重要成员之一,企业的社会责任的履行对于社会经济的可持续发展,对于建设和谐社会和和谐世界,都是一个重大的和根本性的问题。本文所阐述企业社会责任是指现代企业的社会责任。这个概念在理论上一直是极富有争议的话题,西方社会讨论了一个世纪至今未形成统一的概念,而国内理论界对这个概念也未有创新。在实际社会层面上,关于如何界定和评估企业的社会责任,各种不同流派不同背景的学者也有不同声音,本文将以企业社会责任的理论发展为依托,着眼于中国社会的企业社会责任发展展开讨论,在前人的理论和实践基础上提出几点创新的建议,目的是概略性地揭示中国企业社会责任匮乏的现状,并提出重建中国企业社会责任的基本思路。本文分为六个部分,将从企业社会责任的理论发展着手,通过研究该理论和实践的发展背景,结合我国企业的现状,进行宏观和微观的分析,结合相关案例,着重分析我国企业社会责任缺失的原因并提出相关对策,希望可以为今后该问题的研究者提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 Enterprise is the main economic activities, should be based on the legitimacy of its existence is its social function hosted and social responsibility. However, in traditional economic theory and practice, to make a profit in fact be the only objective of the enterprise pursued, together with the Government’s inaction and lack of supervision, resulting in a lack of corporate social responsibility or a lack of awareness of the phenomenon of intensified, and the results Is the people’s legitimate rights are important and even the long-term nature of the abuse. As an important member of the economic and social, corporate social responsibility to fulfill the social and economic sustainable development, for building a harmonious society and harmonious world, is a major and fundamental problem. Corporate Social described in this paper refers to the modern corporate social responsibility. In theory this concept has been very controversial topic. Western society has not discussed the formation of a century, the concept of unity, while the domestic sector on the concept of theory has not innovation. In practice, social level, on how to define and assess corporate social responsibility, a variety of different schools and scholars of different backgrounds have different voices, this will be the development of corporate social responsibility theory as the basis, focus on Chinese society, the development of corporate social responsibility launched Discuss the theory and practice in previous offer a few innovations on the basis of proposals designed to reveal the broad nature of China’s lack of status of corporate social responsibility and corporate social responsibility in China for redevelopment of the basic ideas.This article is divided into six parts, begin with the theoretical development of corporate social responsibility, start with the theory and practice through research development background, combined with our corporate status, the analysis of macro and micro, with related cases, focusing on analysis of the corporate social responsibility Lack of reason and put forward relevant measures in the hope of the problem for future researchers to provide a reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】304