

【作者】 王嘉颖

【导师】 孙少晶;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在Web2.0技术革新下诞生的“自媒体”概念,囊括了多种互联网个人新闻应用形式,其中尤以博客、播客、SNS社交网站、微博等为国内当下最为普及和流行的应用代表。它们的存在打破了过去传统媒介的话语垄断格局,将个体的资讯发布和信息自主置于中心地位,使得信息的多元化生产、个性化消费成为可能。自媒体的到来和发展,本质上意味着原先处于被动受众地位的大众对于精英媒体的反抗,而这种主张空前地契合了后现代主义的精神核心。当下社会的后现代语境在某种程度上推动了传播媒介的改革,而传播媒介也日益呈现出后现代主义式的特征。通过拉斯韦尔5W经典传播模式对国内自媒体传播样态所进行的分析,也发现其无论从传者、内容、渠道、受众、效果而言,都有着后现代主义模糊化、碎片化、大众性、崇尚消费文化和解构主义等表征。但是,具备后现代主义种种积极特质的自媒体传播,也不可避免会因为后现代主义的极端感性倾向和消费至上主张而陷入缺乏理性、资源浪费的困顿。为此,辩证看待后现代主义的利弊,从建设性向度去纠正和弥补自媒体传播存在的偏颇和不足,无论对于自媒体本身的发展,还对于是国内互联网乃至当下整个社会文化环境的建设,都十分重要。

【Abstract】 The concept "we media" was created under the innovation of Web 2.0 technology, including a variety of personal Internet news application, in which blog, podcast, SNS and micro-blog are currently the most popular forms in China. The we media breaks down the information monopolization of the traditional mass media by making information production from the majority of people and individualized consumption of information possible, and thus laying emphasis on the importance of individuals in media communication.The appearance and development of we media means naturally that the mass is not content to just being implanted with ideas by the mass media and tries to rebel against the elite status, which coincides with the theme of Postmodernism. The postmodern society promotes the reform of media to some extent and the current media is now exhibiting more and more postmodernist characteristics. And when analyzed with Lasswell 5W model, the communication in we media was proved to possess the typical postmodernist characteristics like obscurity, fragmentation, popularity, Consumerism and Deconstruction.The communication of we media shows the positive side of Postmodernism, and the negative as well. For its absolute sensibility and extreme Consumerism will lead to the lack of essential rationality and the waste of resources in information production and consumption. In this case, it is necessary to view Postmodernism from a dialectical perspective and try to cover the shortage of we media communication in a constructive way, which will serve both the development of we media and the construction of China society culture as a whole.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】2732