

【作者】 杨悦时

【导师】 冯哲圣; 张耀;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 网络教学资源是开展网络教育的前提和基础。随着Web技术及网络信息技术的发展,网络教学资源越来越丰富,各类教育资源种类繁多,表现形式丰富,为学习者提供了广泛的选择余地和广阔发展空间。当前Web网页包含的各种资源信息量正呈指数级增长,但如何将所需信息资源从这些无穷的网络资源海洋中准确、快速地查找出来,合理利用,已经成为互联网技术发展的重要问题。本文提出了一种面向语义Web的高校专业课程教学资源库平台的初步框架,并探索应用语义Web的相关技术,实现了基于语义Web的教学资源的智能检索。论文首先对比分析了当前高校网络教学资源库的建设现状以及网络教学资源建设中存在的问题,对语义Web研究的现状及应用进行了分析,阐述了其在教学资源管理及检索中的应用。其次,从语义Web的功能及层次组成、网格技术、本体技术等方面对语义Web的理论基础及相关技术进行了研究分析,其中着重研究了其在网络教学资源的知识组织、知识管理、知识发现及知识检索等方面的优势。再次,对当前教育资源建设标准及其规范进行分析研究,在国际规范和标准下建构网络教学资源的数据模型。第四,对语义Web架构下的教学资源管理相关技术进行研究分析,包括网络教学资源知识库的构建、基于语义Web的知识处理流程及知识的发现与获取、面向语义Web的资源操作语言、知识检索技术、Web数据挖掘等,为下一步的研究工作提供理论及技术保证。最后,在前面章节研究的基础上,提出面向语义Web的高校专业课程教学资源库的初步框架,并进行系统设计及关键技术的分析。然后应用Protege4.0建模工具、JBuilder2008作为开发环境、Tomcat7.0作为服务器环境以及jsp技术进行基于语义Web的教学资源智能检索系统的设计与实现。

【Abstract】 Online teaching resources or to carry out the premise and basis for online education. With Web technology and network information technology, network more and more abundant teaching resources, various forms, and various professional courses after another teaching resource database, and present a wide range of online educational resources, form a very rich, for learners offers a wide range of choices and broad development space. Web page contains a variety of information resources is growing exponentially, but the overload of information resources brought about the growing phenomenon. How hundreds of millions of information resources from the ocean quickly and accurately find the information they need, have become an increasingly important issue of concern. Based on these issues, this paper presents a semantic Web-oriented professional courses in University Teaching Resources preliminary framework for the platform, and to explore the application of semantic Web-related technology, semantic Web based intelligent retrieval of teaching resources. Specific study from the following aspects.First of all literature, comparative analysis of the current Network Teaching Resources on the construction status and network existing in the construction of teaching resources, pointing out that the issue needs to be examined. Meanwhile, the semantic Web research to analyze the status and application, and further elaborated its teaching resources management and Retrieval. Secondly, the theoretical basis of semantic Web and related technology research and analysis, from the level of semantic Web features and the composition of grid technology, and other aspects of ontology described analysis, the analysis focuses on online teaching resources in knowledge organization, knowledge management, knowledge discovery and knowledge search, etc. were discussed. Again, on the current construction standards and norms of educational resources for analysis, under the international norms and standards of teaching resources in the construction of the network data model. Fourth, the semantic Web architecture teaching resources management related technology research and analysis, including online teaching resources, knowledge base de construction, semantic Web based knowledge processing and knowledge discovery and acquisition, operation of resources for the semantic Web language knowledge retrieval, Web data mining, for further research to provide theoretical and technical assurance. Finally, in the previous section based on the study, proposed for the semantic Web professional courses in University Teaching Resources preliminary framework and key technologies for system design and analysis. Modeling tool and then apply Protege4.0, JBuilder2008 as the development environment, Tomcat7.0 jsp as a server environment and technology teaching resources based on semantic Web design and implementation of intelligent retrieval.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】192