

Performance Analysis on Pedestrian Traffic Flow in Public Places

【作者】 冯启达

【导师】 翁小雄;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 公共场所如体育场馆、地铁站、展览馆、影剧院等地点,都是行人高度密集的场所,场所内行人交通设施的设计直接关系到行人安全、行走等方面的问题。如今,城市人口不断增长,交通压力不断增加,通过对行人流自组织的行为机理进行深入研究,分析行人流宏观特征和微观特征,建立科学的行人交通流分析评价体系,对于行人设施规划的指导,行人流的管理与控制,行人流的有效诱导,避免(缓解)行人流的拥挤,实现设施利用的最优化等,具有重要意义。本论文通过行人交通仿真技术手段以单向行人流、相向行人流、交织行人流及瓶颈行人流为仿真研究对象,分析公共场所不同设施条件下具体量化性能指标,探索基于仿真的行人流自组织现象及特征的生成机理,建立行人流宏观群体特征和微观行为特征之间的联系,具体内容如下:首先,分析了公共场所中行人的基本行为,行人的宏、微观交通特性,并且探讨了渠化、振荡流和流动条纹自组织现象的特征。其次,总结了行人交通流领域中典型的行人微观仿真模型和行人仿真软件的基本特点。通过微观仿真模型比较可知,社会力模型在行人自组织现象及人群疏散应用等方面比其它仿真模型有着较大的优势。再次,首次提出了行人交通性能化分析的概念,并提出了通行能力、速度、服务水平、延误及疏散时间五个性能分析指标。最后,分别以单向行人流、相向行人流、交织行人流和瓶颈行人流为仿真对象进行仿真。通过单向行人流仿真,得到了不同通道宽度下的通行能力、速度-密度曲线,结果表明通道的最大通行能力为170pmin/m;通过相向行人流仿真,得到了不同行人流比率下的通行能力、延误,探讨了不同行人流比率对通行能力和的影响,结果表明,与单向行人流相比,行人流比率r=0.5时,通行能力下降最大为100p/min/m,主流和次主流方向的延误值最大分别为458s和448s;通过交织行人流仿真,阐释了流动条纹产生的机理,得到了不同夹角下的通行能力,与单向行人流相比,90°交织区的通行能力下降最大为90p/min/m;通过瓶颈行人流仿真,探讨了不同瓶颈宽度对疏散时间和延误的影响,并对通道瓶颈下游区域的行人行走状态做了初步分析。

【Abstract】 Pedestrian traffic may be quite congested in public places such as sport stadium, subway station, gallery, etc.. The design of pedestrian walking infrastructure is directly related to the pedestrian safety and other issues. Nowadays, with the growth of urban population and the traffic pressure, studying the mechanism of self-organization of pedestrian flow, analysis the macroscopic characteristics and microscopic characteristics of pedestrian flow and establishing scientific evaluation system of pedestrian flow are important for guiding the planning of pedestrian facilities, management and control of pedestrian flow and achieving the optimal use of pedestrian facilities.This paper studies the uni-directional pedestrian flow, the bi-directional pedestrian flow, the interweave pedestrian flow and the bottleneck pedestrian flow through simulation techniques, analysis the concrete quantification performance index under different facility condition, explores the mechanism of macroscopic phenomenon and the characteristic of pedestrian flow based on the simulation, establishes the relation between the pedestrian microscopic behavior characteristic and the macroscopic community characteristic, the actual content is as follows:Firstly, the paper analyzed the affect factor of pedestrian behavior, the macroscopic characteristics and microscopic characteristics of pedestrians in public places and discussed the features of lane formation, bottleneck oscillation and stripe formation.Secondly, the paper summarized the basic features of classical microscopic simulation model and pedestrian simulation software. Through the comparison of microscopic model, it was discovered that the social model have a superiority on simulating the self-organization phenomenon and in the application of dispersing.Moreover, the paper firstly proposed the concept of pedestrian traffic performance analysis and five performance indexes including capacity, speed, level of service, delay and evacuation time.Finally, taken the uni-directional pedestrian flow, the bi-directional pedestrian flow, the interweave pedestrian flow as the simulation object to simulate. Through the simulation of uni-directional pedestrian flow, we obtained the capacity according to the different passageway width and the velocity-density relationship. The simulation results indicated that the max capacity of passageway is 170p/min/m. Through the simulation of bi-directional pedestrian flow, we obtained the capacity and delay according to the different pedestrian ratio, discussed the influence of different ratio to capacity. Compared to the uni-directional pedestrian flow, when pedestrian ratio r=0.5, the capacity which is 100p/min/m decreased max, the delay of major flow and minor flow respectively is 458s and 448s. Through the simulation of interweave pedestrian flow, we explained the mechanism of stripe formation, and obtained the capacity according to the different interweave angles, Compared to the uni-directional pedestrian flow, the capacity of interweave zone at 90°which is 90p/min/m decreased max. Through the simulation of bottleneck pedestrian flow, we discussed the influence of different bottleneck width to evacuation time and delay, and analysis the pedestrian walking status in bottleneck.
