

The Recognition of Medical Negligence

【作者】 苏卫东

【导师】 陈年冰;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,“医闹”事件的频频发生,导致我国的医患关系日益紧张,医疗纠纷成为民事审判中的一大难题。过去,我国司法中对此问题采取的二元制处理模式,侧重于对医疗事故的认定,不利于保障患者的利益。2010年《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》的实施,将医疗损害行为定性为特殊的侵权行为,明确了医疗损害责任的主体、医疗损害责任的认定原则以及医疗损害责任属于过错责任。为此,对医疗过错的认定成为了解决医疗纠纷的关键。过错包括故意与过失,医疗过错在民事领域主要表现为医疗过失。基于此,本文将着重对医疗过失的认定及相关纠纷处理进行分析研究。全文除结论外,共有五部分。第一章绪论,陈述了此文的研究意义及至目前为止与该论题相关的研究现状。第二章主要研究医疗过失的基本问题,主要分析和界定过失、医疗过失以及医疗过失的特殊性等问题。第三章主要研究医疗过失认定标准的基础。笔者认为过失认定的标准主要有两个:一是违反了注意义务标准。对此,本文从违反技术性注意义务和伦理性注意义务两方面进行了讨论,主张以医疗水准说作为注意义务的判断标准,同时还需兼顾考虑患者的需求和医疗行业合理专家的职业道德两方面因素。另外一个标准是违反“医疗执业群体接受“的行为标准。通过实例分析,认为一般情况下医生的诊疗行为若背离了注意义务,则应认定为存有过失,但如果执业群体一致认为该规范存在滞后性或错误性,医生的偏离行为是属于可以接受的范畴,那么医生的医疗行为则可认定为不存有过错。若现实中不存有诊疗规范,则应以一个资历高、经验丰富的同行专家在相同情况下是否会采用相同的做法或是否认同该诊疗行为的实施具有充分的理由来进行判断。第四章主要研究影响医疗过失认定的因素。由于认定医疗过失的标准并不是绝对的,在实际判断过程中还常常会受到其他因素的影响,故此,本文在该章节对影响医疗过失认定的三种因素(医疗水准、地域差异和存活机会丧失)展开了探讨。第五章提出了完善我国医疗过失认定制度的建议。笔者在本章中首先分析了废止医疗事故鉴定的合理性,随后提出构建合理的医疗过失鉴定制度的观点,认为构建的具体措施应包括:1、制定专门的医疗立法,为构建新的鉴定制度提供立法保障;2、建立专业性的鉴定机构,保障鉴定的公平公正;3、完善“鉴定人—专家”证据制度,即结合本国实际,将国外的专家证人制度变通为适应我国需求的以专家鉴定为主,专家证人为辅的“鉴定人—专家”制度,并认为应从强调鉴定人和专家出庭质证、明确专家证人的选人资格和义务等方面去完善该制度。

【Abstract】 For the recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients is increasingly strained. Medical disputes has been a puzzle of our civil trial. In the past, the processing mode of this dispute in China’s judicial system is binary, that focus on the determination of medical accident, result in damnifying the interests of patients. In 2011, <Tort Law of the people’s Republic of China> issued. It classifies the medical damage behavior as a kind of special tort, and defines the subject and the recognized principles of the medical liability, also provides medical damage liability is fault liability. Therefore, the key of solving medical disputes is how to determine the fault of medical treatment. The fault includes intent and negligence. The fault of medical treatment reflected in civil field is medical negligence. So, the paper will focus on determining and dealing with the fault of medical treatment.This paper contains five parts except conclusion.Chapter one, introduces the research significance of this paper, and research status about this topic.Chapter two, introduces something about medical negligence, such as the meaning of negligence and medical negligence. And particularity of medical negligenceChapter three, basically discusses the standards of determining the medical negligence from breaching of duty of care and“acceptable practice”.Chapter four, analyses the factors that influencing medical negligence. Through cases, concretely analyses three factors, including medical standards, regional differences and chances of survival loss, which influence of medical negligence.Chapter five, through to analyze rationality of abolishing medical accidents assessment in judicial practice, and then makes some suggestions of constructing reasonable medical negligence assessment system.

  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【被引频次】3
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