

A Comparative Study of Intellectual Property Rights Protection System of Traditional Medicine in China and India

【作者】 李君超

【导师】 周莳文;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 传统医药是基于不同文化背景的土著理论、信仰和经验形成的一套知识、技能和方法。随着社会发展、疾病谱改变以及现代西医技术的局限性凸显,回归自然以及传统医药逐渐成为一种潮流。传统医药巨大的经济价值和文化价值有力推动了传统医药保有国的国内外市场,于此同时也引来了那些资金以及技术占优势地位的发达国家的觊觎和不当占有。典型的案例如纳木树案,姜黄案,青蒿素案以及高露洁牙粉案等。在世界范围内,对传统医药的知识产权保护问题有诸多争议和分歧。从最初的知识产权保护正当性探讨到采用何种模式保护传统医药知识产权,这些问题一直困扰着传统医药保有国。如若纳入现有知识产权保护制度,则现有制度与传统医药存在契合性问题;如若构建一套专门传统医药专门保护制度,则要对主体、客体、保护期限等问题进行艰难且漫长的探讨。我国拥有丰富的传统医药知识,而现行的知识产权保护制度无法展开有力的保护。印度与我国同为传统医药知识大国,其通过行政、立法以及民间的互动,初步构建了一套独特的传统医药知识产权保护体系。因此立足传统医药知识产权保护制度的发展现状及两国的国情,比较两国的共性和差异,本文将提出如下建议,即建立强度保护传统医药知识的专利来源披露制度,落实《非物质文化遗产法》的配套机制,发挥政府引导作用,推动传统医药知识产权的国际保护。

【Abstract】 Traditional medicine which is based on different cultural background of native theory, faith, and experience is a set of knowledge, skills and methods. With the development of society, technology change and several limitations of modern western medicine there is a return of nature and traditional medicine has become a trend. The great economic value and cultural value of traditional medicine has promoted both the domestic and international market of the traditional medicine keeping countries, at the same time also has drawn the attention and misappropriation of those developed countries with dominant position in capital and technology. The typical cases are as follows, the tree case, turmeric case, the artesunate case and Colgate YaFen case, etc.Around the world, there are many disputes and differences on the intellectual property rights protection of traditional medicine. Form the initial discussion of the legitimacy of intellectual property rights protection to the later of how to protect the intellectual property rights of traditional medicine, these problems have been plagued by the traditional medicine keeping kingdom. If using the existing system of intellectual property rights protection, there is a correspondence problem between the existing system and traditional medicine; If establishing a sui system of traditional medicine protection, then the subject, object, and the protection period problems could be discussed difficultly and for a long time.Our country has rich traditional medicine knowledge, but current intellectual property protection system can not develop strong protection. India and China are both large countries of traditional medicine. India is constructing a unique set of traditional medicine intellectual property rights protection system through the interaction of administrative, legislation and the folk. So based on the current situation of traditional medicine intellectual property rights protection system and the development of the two countries, through the comparison of the differences between the two countries, this paper would put forward some suggestions as follows: establishing high- strength Patent source disclosure system and implementing the intangible cultural heritage law, developing the guiding role of government and promoting the international protection of traditional medicine intellectual property rights.
