

Study of the Concrete-filled Steel Sheer Wall with Binding Bars

【作者】 张超

【导师】 陈兰;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 钢板混凝土组合剪力墙是一种较新型的抗侧力构件,其截面形式类似于长宽比较大的矩形钢管混凝土柱,具有较大的抗侧刚度和较好的延性,但其外围钢板在荷载作用下易屈曲。针对其外围钢板易屈曲的缺陷,本文在其表面设置拉杆,构成了带约束拉杆的钢板混凝土剪力墙,并针对其受力及变形特性进行了计算分析。首先,本文概述了分析过程中所用到的理论和模型的建立过程,并说明了分析过程中所采用的材料的本构关系和非线性的来源。同时,阐述了当前组合构件分析的常用方法,本文采用有限元模拟的方法,应用有限元软件ABAQUS对带约束拉杆的钢板混凝土组合剪力墙进行计算分析。其次,对带约束拉杆的钢板混凝土剪力墙的轴压性能进行了分析,主要研究轴压荷载作用下构件的变形特性、承载力、位移及延性等性能。重点探讨了构件的宽厚比、钢板厚度、拉杆间距、材料强度等级等因素的影响。研究表明,宽厚比、钢板厚度和拉杆间距对构件的承载力和变形性能影响较显著,而材料强度构件性能的影响不明显。宽厚比大的构件的承载能力利用率较大;增大拉杆间距会降低构件的承载力和变形能力;钢板厚度越大,构件的承载能力利用率越小,延性性能越好。同时,本文将带约束拉杆的钢板混凝土剪力墙构件的截面分为强约束区和弱约束区,并分别研究了强、弱约束区钢板和混凝土的本构关系。在此基础上,本文结合相关规范推导了钢板混凝土组合剪力墙构件的轴压承载力的简化计算表达式。然后,针对带约束拉杆的钢板混凝土剪力墙构件在水平荷载作用下的特性展开了研究。分别考虑了构件的宽厚比、钢板厚度、拉杆间距、轴压比、材料强度等级等因素,对构件在水平荷载作用下的变形、承载力、位移及延性特性的影响。分析表明,宽厚比大的构件抗剪承载力利用率较高;钢板较厚的构件的抗剪承载力利用率较低,但变形能力较好;增大拉杆间距,会降低构件的抗剪承载力利用率和变形能力;轴压比大的构件的抗剪承载力和变形能力均较差;材料强度对构件的抗剪性能影响不显著。同样,本文在综合了各因素对构件抗侧承载力的影响后,采用折减强度叠加承载力的方法,推导了构件抗剪承载力的计算表达式。

【Abstract】 There are more and more high-rise steel buildings in China. At present they take steel columns, concrete filled steel tubes, steel bracings, steel shear walls, or structures composed of steel and concrete as lateral force resisting systems. Concrete filled steel shear wall is a new kind of lateral force resisting system. We can regard it as a rectangle concrete filled steel tube with high length-width ratio, greater lateral stiffness and better ductility. Since the steel outside the concrete filled steel shear wall is easy to be buckling, this paper assembles some binding bars in it and makes a new kind of structure, what we call concrete-filled steel sheer wall with binding bars. This paper will analyse the stress and deformation of the new kind of structure with simulation method.Firstly, this dissertation introduces the basic principle of simulation method and the model. The common ways of structural analysis are illustrated, and this paper takes finite element method to model the structure by the software ABAQUS. And also, the constitutive relations of the materials and the source of nonlinearity are introduced in the dissertation.Then, the behaviors of the structure under axial compression, containing capacity, deformation and ductility, are studied. Some factors as length-width ratio, steel’s thickness, bar spacing and material’s strength grade, are took into account. At the same time, this paper analysises the constitutive relations of steel and concrete in the structure respectively, and predents the structure’s formula under axial compression.Moreover, this paper detects the response of concrete-filled steel sheer wall with binding bars under horizontal load by ABAQUS. Also some factors are considered, such as length-width ratio, steel’s thickness, bar spacing, material’s strength grade and axial-load ratio. While the influences on capacity, deformation and ductility, are studied, this dissertation gives the structure’s shear strength formula.
