

Research of Crank-Slider Injection Servo-driven System for Electric Injection Molding Machine

【作者】 岑海洪

【导师】 杨艳娟;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 电动注塑机由于具有精度高、生产效率高、节约能源、清洁环保、速度控制范围宽、响应性好等优点,已经成为目前注塑机行业的一个重要发展方向。电动注塑机的关键技术在于其伺服系统的精确性和稳定性。电动注塑机包括熔胶伺服、射胶伺服、开合模伺服和顶针伺服,而射胶伺服系统是电动注塑机的重要部分,对产品质量起着主要的作用。目前射胶的动力传递装置多采用滚珠丝杠的机械结构,但该种结构本身有着一些固有缺点。因此,本文研究了一种基于曲柄滑块动力传递装置的射胶伺服系统。该种装置具有非线性的特性,与滚珠丝杠对比,其伺服控制系统较为复杂。对其伺服系统的研究是本文的主要工作。本文首先概要地介绍了国内外全电动注塑机的发展现状,分析了全电动注塑机射胶的工作原理和工艺过程。在此基础上,进一步分析了基于曲柄滑块的射胶装置的工作特点,确定了其伺服系统的一个总体方案,对芯片和电机进行了选型,并对电机的矢量控制方法进行了分析。其次,本文基于曲柄滑块装置的非线性特性,分析了该装置的运动规律和力学模型,推导出了螺杆在注射过程中其速度、压力跟电机转速和转矩存在的非线性关系,为伺服系统的进一步研究奠定了基础。在建立了装置动力学模型后,还针对伺服系统中的一些重要环节进行了分析和建模,为控制系统的设计和仿真做好了准备工作。然后,文章建立射胶伺服系统的三闭环控制模型,针对曲柄滑块射胶过程的控制要求,详细分析了电流环、速度环和位置环的控制模型,采用工程设计方法设计出各个环节的PI/P调节器,并对三闭环控制系统进行仿真研究,证明了设计可行性的同时较好地反映了该系统的控制特性和运行机理。最后,本文从曲柄滑块射胶装置的实用要求和控制系统可靠性角度出发,设计了其硬件系统和软件系统。系统在硬件结构上主要采用以TMS320F28335为核心的控制电路、交-直-交电压型主回路及以IPM为核心的功率驱动电路。软件设计以TI公司的CCS为开发环境,采用C语言编程,给出了伺服控制软件的整体思想和总体流程,并给出了关键数据结构和模块的编程。最后实验结果表明,系统具有良好控制性能,满足曲柄滑块射胶伺服系统的要求。

【Abstract】 Because of many advantages such as high precision, high efficiency, energy conservation, clean environment, wide range speed control, and good response, electric injection molding machine has become an important direction of development. Of electric injection molding machine, its key technology lies in its accuracy and stability of the servo system. Electric injection molding machine including melting servo, injection servo, clamping servo and thimble servo, and injection servo system is an important part of electric molding machine, plays a most important role in product quality. At present the main mechanical structure of injection device is ball screw, because of the inherent shortcomings, in this paper, a crank slider device of injection. This kind of device has the nonlinear characteristics, compared with the commonly used ball screw, its servo control is complex .It is the main work of this article to study its servo control system.Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the development status of all-electric injection machine at home and abroad, and analyzes its working principle and process. On this basis, further analysis of the working characteristics of slider crank injection devices, and determine their overall scheme of a servo, make the selection of chips and motors, and introduce the vector control methods of motor.Secondly, based on the nonlinear characteristics of crank-slider device, from the process point of view, analyzes the law of motion and mechanical models, and than get the nonlinear relationship of speed and pressure between screw and motor. After building the dynamic model of the device, but also analyzes some important aspects of the servo system and build their modle.Then, this paper for the control requirements of injection process of the crank-slider injection device, detail analyzes of the current loop, velocity loop and position loop.Desgin the P/PI regulator for every aspects using engineering design method. And make a simulation study of three closed-loop controls for PMSM, demonstrate the feasibility fo the designe while better reflecting the control characteristics of the system and operation mechanism.Finally, this paper from the point of practical requirements of crank-slider injection devices and control system reliability, design its hardware and software systems. It adopts TMS320F28335 as core control system, AC-DC-AC host circuit as major loop and IPM module is used as power driver circuit in hardware design. Software design uses CCS as the integrated development environment, uses C language to program, and gives the whole idea and the overall process of the softwares, also gives key data structure and module program. The experimental results show that the system has good control performance, to meet thecrank slider Injection servo systems.

  • 【分类号】TQ320.52;TM921.541
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】184
  • 攻读期成果