

Study on Subgrade and Pavement Material and Typical Structure of Rural Road for Ankang City

【作者】 郭辞贫

【导师】 沙爱民;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高速公路的迅速发展,作为干线公路支撑的农村公路受到了国家的日益重视,农村公路建设面临着前所未有的历史机遇和有利条件。目前安康市由于严峻的自然环境条件以及经济条件的制约,农村公路交通基础设施还相当落后,公路技术等级低,布局不合理,路面铺装率低,路面状况差,病害严重,相对通达深度不够,已成为制约当地农村经济发展的根本原因之一。本文针对安康市农村公路现状,以陕西省交通厅科研项目“安康市农村公路路基路面典型结构与材料研究”为依托,对安康地区农村公路路面典型结构和材料选择进行了研究。本文从对安康市的自然资源特征、经济环境特征和交通特征分析入手,详细调查了安康市路基路面结构现状,路面的使用情况等,分析总结得出安康地区农村公路所处的路基状况、路面结构形式、路面病害等情况,为典型结构研究提供依据。然后针对安康地区筑路材料分布及性能,在分析农村公路筑路材料选择的影响因素的基础上,推荐性能较好、造价经济的材料作为安康地区农村公路路基填料和路面结构层材料。再根据安康地区农村公路路基的特点,确定其路基的干湿类型和强度,并提出安康地区农村公路路基的设计要点。最后依据安康自然与经济环境对农村公路的要求,在交通等级、路基强度等级划分的基础上,结合结构层材料的选取,提出安康地区农村公路沥青路面和水泥路面典型结构,同时推荐了其他适应性路面结构;并从经济性、技术适应性、使用性能和环境影响等方面对所推荐路面结构类型进行分析评价。

【Abstract】 With the development of China’s highway construction, rural road, as the support of arterial highway, has taken more and more attention by state and local governments, rural road construction are faced with unprecedented historical opportunities and favorable conditions. At the present, the rural road in Ankang city is very poor for its low grade, unreasonable layout, the low rate of road pavement and poor road conditions, which has seriously affect the development of local economy. This paper is to do detailed surey on the typical subgrade and pavement structure and material of rural Road for Ankang city based on the construction of current rural road and the scientific research subject "Study on Typical Subgrade and Pavement Structure and Material of Rural Road for Ankang City" of Shannxi Provincial Communication Department.This paper started with the analysis of natural environment feature、economic environment feature and traffic feature, we can conclude the traffic constitution, the structure, materials, diseases, of the road surface on the status investigation of ankang rural road, which provides elements for establishing typical structure. Then, by the surey of road construction materials and the analysis of elements influenced construction material selection, we recommended good-performance and economical materials as subgrade filing and pavement materials of ankang rural road. Thirdly, we ascertain the genre of dry or wet and the strength of the subgrade according to the subgrade feature of ankang rural road, and propose the design points of subgrade. Finally, through theoretical analysis, according to natural and economic environment feature, we build up the typical structure of asphalt and cement concrete pavement for Ankang rural road on the base of traffic classification, subgrade classification and the selection of pavement materials. And also, we suggest some other suitable pavement structure—stone pavement and cement concrete block pavement. And we evaluate the pavement structure proposed from aspects of economic, technical adaptability, performance and environmental impact.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】U414
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】123