

Study on the Indoor Sound-environment of Hospital Architecture in Xi’an

【作者】 刘小华

【导师】 韩茂蔚;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的进步和城市化的加速发展以及建筑技术学科研究内容的不断扩展,人们对精神生活越来越重视,室内声环境的研究正逐步普及,声环境设计也从剧院、音乐厅、体育馆等观演建筑走向教育建筑、住宅建筑以及和人们生命生活息息相关的医院建筑。医院建筑室内尤其是门诊区噪声污染不仅对病人生理心理健康产生极大不良反应,还对医护工作人员的工作质量有较大影响,城市化进程的不断推进和医疗卫生事业的迅速发展必将使噪声污染问题更加突出。为了了解医院建筑室内声环境的构成特性及对患者和医护人员的影响程度,本文从分析医院建筑室内噪声构成特性出发,在进行实地测量基础上,通过调查问卷和模糊数学分析法重点研究医院建筑室内声环境的污染现状。本文首先通过查阅相关文献资料,在国内外研究现状的基础上,结合现场实地仪器测量,以西安市三家大型三甲医院(儿童医院、交大二院、西京医院)的室内声环境为研究对象,分析研究其室内环境的各种构成因素及其特性。在此基础上制定问卷调查表在医院内发放,让受访者根据个人主观感受,对医院室内声环境进行主观评价,最后将调查结果进行统计整理,并对各种结果进行分析。对数据的分析,本文采用模糊数学中的综合评价法确定受访者对医院室内声环境的综合评价结果,因为在客观世界中,许多现象都是由多种因素综合影响的结果,用模糊数学的目的是把受访者主观上对医院室内声环境的不同感受评分的百分比,通过计算用一个具体的数值代表其对医院声环境的评价状况。由调查分析和计算,最后得出受访者对医院室内声环境的评价结果。最后,综合评价研究结果,本文从医院建筑的规划选址、建筑设计、室内装修等方面提出改进医院建筑室内声环境的方法和意见,为良好医疗环境、为我国绿色医院建筑设计可持续发展提供参考。

【Abstract】 As the progress of our society, accelerated progress of urbanization and continuous expanding of architectural technology’s research content, people are increasingly concerned with spiritual life. By that reason, indoor sound study is becoming popular, and the sound design is also expanding from theatrical building like theatre, music hall, and indoor stadium towards school building, residential housing and the most life-concerning hospital building. The noise pollution in the interior of hospital building, especially the clinical area, negatively impacts not only the physical and mental health of patients, but also work quality of medical personnel. Continuous progress of urbanization and rapid development of healthcare will inevitably make the noise pollution issue more obvious. In order to understand the impact level of noise pollution to patients and medical personnel, this paper, based on the analysis to structure characteristics of hospital building’s indoor sound,studied the current noise pollution status of hospital building’s indoor sound environment, through on-site measurement, questionnaire survey and analytical method of fuzzy mathematics.In this paper, the writer firstly consulted related document literatures. Based on these domestic and foreign studies, through on-site measurement to 3 general Grade A ClassⅢhospitals in Xi’an (Xi’an Children’s Hospital,2nd Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University&Xijing Hospital), this paper analyzed and studied all the factors and characteristics of the indoor environments. On this basis, the writer made a questionnaire and did a survey in those hospitals, let the respondents evaluate the hospitals’ indoor sound environments in accordance with their feelings, and finally did statistics and analysis to the responses.For data analysis, this paper uses Comprehensive Evaluation Method of fuzzy mathematics to determine the respondents’general evaluation results to those hospitals’ indoor acoustic environments. As the fact that many phenomena are caused by various factors in the objective world, so using the method of fuzzy mathematics can compute the percentage of respondents’subjective survey responses into a specific value to represent the sound ondition of those hospitals.Finally, after integrating the study results, this paper developed some methods and suggestions of planning & site-selection, architecture design and interior decoration of hospital building to improve their indoor sound environments. With this thesis, the writer hopes to contribute to better medical environment and the sustainable development of green hospital building design in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU246.1;TU112
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】194