

Study on the Institution of the Collective Construction Land Transfer

【作者】 徐建益

【导师】 李芹芳;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 土地资源管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在现行的城乡二元土地制度下,集体土地所有者不能自主流转集体建设用地,既损害了集体土地所有者的权益,又造成了集体土地“隐形市场”大量存在,严重影响到国家对土地市场的宏观调控。国家在部分地区开展了集体建设用地流转试点,但始终没有完全放开对流转的限制。在这种形势下,现行的集体建设用地流转制度需要进行改革和完善。改革和完善当前我国集体建设用地流转制度,对贯彻落实科学发展观和“保发展、保红线”方针、实现城乡土地产权平等、改善“三农”问题、促进土地资源优化配置,构建和谐社会具有重要意义。本文的基本结构和内容如下:第一部分是绪论,本部分主要指出了研究背景、研究意义、研究动态、研究内容、研究方法和技术路线。第二部分是集体建设用地流转的概述,主要是对流转的相关概念进行界定,并介绍了本文的理论基础,包括制度变迁理论、地租地价理论、土地市场理论和土地产权理论,并分析了流转的必要性和可行性。第三部分主要介绍了集体建设用地流转的形成,对集体建设用地流转的形成机理和驱动因素进行了分析,并介绍了流转的形成过程。第四部分主要是集体建设用地流转的现状分析,以芜湖、广东和重庆三地为例,总结了集体建设用地流转入市的经验启示。第五部分,依据前文的经验启示,从流转的核心制度和配套制度入手,提出了流转制度的框架,分析如何改革和完善集体建设用地流转制度。第六部分是对本文进行了总结,提出了研究结论、研究的不足之处以及研究展望。本文从完善核心制度建设和加强配套制度改革入手,总结了如何改革完善集体建设用地流转制度,为促成集体建设用地能够合法合理流转,建立城乡统一的土地市场做理论准备。

【Abstract】 In the existing urban-rural land system, collective land owners can not transfer their collective construction land, not only harms the collective interests of land owners, but also created a collective land "invisible market" abound, serious impact on the land market macro-control. Our country piloted the collective construction land in some regions, but never fully liberalized the restrictions on transfer. In this situation, the existing collective construction land transfer system needs reform and improve. Reforming and improving the current system of collective construction land transfer system, is of great significance for implementing the scientific development concept and the "security development, safeguarding the land red line" policy, realizing the rural and urban land property of equality, improving the "three rural" issue, promoting optimal allocation of land resources and building social Marxist society.The basic structure and content of this paper are as follows:The first part is the introduction, including the study background, study significance, study trends, research, study methods and technical routes. The second part is an overview of the collective construction land, mainly for the transfer of the relevant concepts are defined, and describes the theoretical basis of this paper, including the Institution Change Theory, Land Rent Theory, Land Markets Theory and Land Property Rights Theory, then analysis of the necessity and feasibility of transfer. The third part introduces the formation of collective construction land, which analysis the transfer of collective land for construction of the formation mechanism and the driving factors, and presents the formation of the transfer process. The fourth part is the status of collective construction land transfer analysis, to Wuhu, Guangdong and Chongqing as example, summed up the experience and inspiration of collective construction land transfer. The fifth part, according to the experience and inspiration of earlier revelation, from core system and supporting system, bring forward the collective institutional framework for the transfer of construction land, analysis how to reform and improve the system of collective construction land transfer system. The sixth part is a summary of this proposed research study, bring forward the conclusions, inadequacies and research prospects. From strengthening the core system and supporting system, this paper summed up how to reform and improve the system of collective construction land transfer, aimed at contributing to the collective construction land can be a lawful and reasonable flow, and ultimately establishing a unified theory for the land market do.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.3;D923.2;F301
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】173
  • 攻读期成果