

Issues and Countermeasures of the Implementation of Economic Applicable Housing Policy

【作者】 冼土妹

【导师】 王晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 低收入阶层住房问题一直是世界各国发展中的困扰。为解决城镇中低收入居民的住房条件,我国推行经济适用住房政策已十余载。然而,作为住房保障体系的重要组成部分,经济适用住房制度的实施效果并不理想。为促进政策实施效果与目标相符,本文从解决影响经济适用住房制度实施效果的问题入手研究完善我国经济适用住房。首先,概述经济适用住房制度的形成、变迁发展及现行制度完善程度,探讨经济适用住房制度实施多年的效果与存在问题,指出经济适用住房政策对解决我国中低收入阶层住房问题起到积极作用,但制度实施过程中出现的诸多问题降低政策效果。其次,运用比较分析法以及定性与定量相结合法,对经济适用住房面向对象的可支付能力与高房价矛盾、经济适用住房的商品属性与社会保障属性矛盾、薄弱融资体系与大规模资金需求等三方面进行论证,指出经济适用住房的三大矛盾是损减政策实施效果的深层次原因。再次,通过对美国低收入阶层住房融资体系、英国政府非盈利住房机构参与低收入阶层住房建设运营、新加坡政府“居者有其屋”的政策理念、香港政府严格的公共住房运营管理等国际上显著的成功住房保障经验进行分析,寻求完善我国经济适用住房制度的启示。最后,提出保持经济适用住房双重属性但侧重社会保障属性,多方面入手降低住房销售价格,适当调整购房者对经济适用住房的产权与收益,丰富创新经济适用住房融资渠道,完善自身及配套法律,构建监督体系等有效建议。

【Abstract】 The housing problems of low-income groups has been existed all over the world. To improve the housing conditions of the urban middle-income residents, the economic applicable housing policy has been carried out more than ten years in our country. However, as a right-direction housing policy, the practice effects of the policy were not as good as that we expected. To get the implementation effects match with the policy objectives, this paper tried to consummate the economic applicable housing policy via figuring out what the matter was and how to solve it.Firstly, the paper overviewed the development process of the economic applicable housing policy, and discussed the practice effects and the problems of the policy in the past years. It is pointed that the economic applicable housing policy plays a significant part to solving the housing problem of the low-income group, but it is also some problems that reduce the policy effects during the policy implementation. Secondly, used the method of comparative analysis and the qualitative and quantitative stud-ied to proof the three contradictions of the higher house price and the low pay-ability of object-oriented, the commodity and the indemnificatory of the economic applicable housing, the weak financing system and the large-scale capital demand. And then, pointed out that the three contradictions are the deep reason that reduce the policy implementation effects. Again, seek enlightenments to perfect our economic applicable housing policy through analysing the low-income housing finance system of American, and the nonprofit housing institutions involved in operating the low-income housing policy in British, the policy idea of "Making Home Affordable" of Singapore, the strict operations management of public housing in Hong Kong.Finally, propose effective suggestions to consummate our economic applicable housing policy on the sides of housing properties, policy object-oriented, price control, distribution of income, financing, law construction, supervision.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期