

Comprehensive Technical Study on the Construction of Mining Environment Based on Non-explosive Excavation

【作者】 刘泽洲

【导师】 周科平;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在新疆喀拉通克铜镍矿开展“开采环境再造深孔诱导崩矿充填采矿法”工业试验的基础上,针对采用下向进路胶结充填技术构筑其人工条柱生产效率低、回采工艺复杂和充填接项困难等问题,以致制约到采场内高效率的大量落矿的实施时间,提出利用反井钻机开挖在矿体内形成开采环境群柱替代人工条柱在回采矿段周围完成一个封闭的人工结构,其创新点是它打破了反井钻机一般用于施工矿山地下暗井、溜井、矿仓等导井工程的固有观念,有利于促进采矿技术的进步和发展。由于改变了传统的凿岩爆破工艺,实现了机械化掘进,因而大大减轻了工人的劳动强度,使构筑的效率提高,并且安全事故少,对爆破作业的粉尘污染问题也可以得到控制。这其中,矿段周围人工结构所选择的再造方式直接影响着生产安全和开采成本,并且考虑到地下岩体的特性、地质构造环境和施工过程的复杂性以及不确定性,必须对人工再造群柱在随矿体开采过程中的稳定性进行分析。本论文就此开展了深入的研究,主要完成了以下工作:(1)针对岩体的可掘进性上,本文采用了在进行群柱围岩稳定性分级的基础上,对每个围岩等级的反井钻机工作条件予以划定,并得出:在特富矿体中,反井钻机工作条件等级为Ⅱ。级,工作条件-般;在富矿体中,反井钻机工作条件等级为Ⅲc级,工作条件差。(2)基于试验采场的情况,提出了非爆破开采环境再造技术的具体实施方案,并根据实施方案对其中开展的各项关键技术的应用进行了详细地阐述。(3)运用MIDAS/GTS和FLAC3D两种数值软件的耦合完成了开采环境群柱的稳定性研究,并通过方案优选得出群柱沿矿体倾向布置,每排单根或两根依次交替排列至矿体与围岩的交界处,数量为10根(每根直径2m)的情况下,群柱既能维持整体的稳定又能够高效率的构筑。

【Abstract】 Based on the industrial test of the reconstruction of mined-out environment and continuous caving method with subsequent backfilling which has been carried out at Xinjiang Kalatongke copper-nickel mine,and aiming at addressing several difficulties(e.g. low productivity and complex mining process)when using underhand route cemented backfilling technology to build artificial strip columns in roof-contacted filling which will cause restriction to the implement time of efficient large drop mine in mining pit. A method has been put forward that we can utilise raise boring machine excavating in the ore body to construct mining environmental group columns to replace artifical strip columns,and eventually complete a closed artificial structure around the mining section. The innovation of this method is that it breaks conventional concepts that raise boring machine is generally used for the construction of underground mine shaft, chute, ore bin,etc.,thereby promoting the progression and advancement of mining technology. Because of the changes from traditional drilling and blasting techniques to mechanical tunneling techniques, the problems of dust pollution casued by blasting can be successfully controlled.And meanwhile,the labor intensity is highly alleviated, the efficiency of building is greatly improved and accidents are dramatically reduced.In the process of this method,the mode of artificial structure reconstruction selected will directly influences the safety of production and mining costs. Taking into Consideration the complexity and uncertainty of underground rock properties, geological environment and the construction process,the stability of artifical reconstruction group columns must be analysed along the process of mining.In this paper,further researches have been generally carrid out as follows:(1) Aiming at the digging property of rock, this paper delimited the working condition of raise boring in each rock grade based on the classification of surrounding rock stability of group pillars. Result demonstrates that in extroadinary bonanza,the working condition is average,which the grade of raise boring machine working condition is levelⅡB; in bonanza, the working condition is poor,which the grade of raise boring machine working condition is levelⅢC.(2)Based on the situation of testing topes,the concrete implementation plan of non-blasting re-constitutional mining environment technology was proposed.And according to the implementation,the application of each key technology has been described in detail.(3)The research of stability of mining environment group columns was completed though the numerical software MIDAS/GTS coupling with FLAC3D and obtained that group columns arranged along the orebody tendency through scheme optimization:in the condition of 10 group pillars(per root diameter of 2m)arranged in one or two rows in turn, can the stope structure maintain the stability of the whole.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期