

Research on the Construction of HaiNan Cultural Tourism Industry

【作者】 钟军

【导师】 欧阳友权;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 传播学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 文化旅游业是第三产业的重要组成部分,文化旅游被誉为21世纪最具发展潜力的旅游方式。海南省具有十分丰富的文化旅游资源,但其文化旅游业的发展还处于初级阶段。本文在利用国内外已有的研究成果的基础上,以我国唯一的海岛省份海南省为研究区域,对海南文化旅游业的发展建设进行初步探讨。本文的主要内容共分为六个部分:第一部分介绍了文化旅游的概念、特征,论述了文化旅游开发的理论依据,阐明发展文化旅游对旅游业发展的重大意义。第二部分是海南文化旅游资源的分类与评价,采用层次分析法对海南核心旅游资源分别进行模糊评价,得出了海南的文化旅游资源具有丰富性、唯一性、珍稀性、密集性等特点。第三部分是介绍海南文化旅游产业发展现状,通过对海南客源市场开发、旅游接待能力、旅游产品开发与旅游基础设施建设等情况的调研,对这里的文化旅游业进行了SWOT分析,总结其成功的经验,找到其不足之处。第四部分是探讨海南文化旅游产业发展思路与开发重点,提出了海南文化旅游产业发展的几条思路:一是环岛开发要突出特色;二是对民族文化资源要注意保护性开发;三是培育旅游企业要打造品牌产品;四是开拓旅游市场要重视企业联动;五是要保护环境,坚持可持续发展等;提出的文化旅游开发重点:重点建设省内17个重点旅游区和度假区,重点开发8大文化旅游产品和9条旅游线路等。第五部分提出了海南文化旅游产业要素建设与发展举措,首先必须完善旅游产业行、住、吃、游、购、娱六要素建设:一是改善交通条件,提高旅游目的地的可进入性;二是建设旅游宾馆,改善居住条件;三是开发特色餐饮,提高服务水平;四是加强旅行社建设,培植优秀企业;五是满足购物消费,创新特色旅游商品;六是丰富娱乐演艺,提升旅游幸福指数;然后,对海南文化旅游市场开发提出了相关对策,如建立健全旅游市场体系,推进跨区域联合;开拓国内国际两个市场,优化客源市场结构;开辟营销途径,建立旅游市场营销网络;发展文化旅游电子商务信息系统等。第六部分尝试从组织、政策、资金、人才等方面建立海南文化旅游产业的保障体系。最后,在结论部分,针对时下出台的“国际旅游岛”计划,对海南文化旅游业在新形势下的发展和建设,提出了一些展望。

【Abstract】 Known as the most potential way of tourism in 21th century, cultural tourism is an important part of the tertiary industry. While boasting rich cultural tourism resources, Hainan province is at the early stage of cultural tourism development. Based on the research achievements in this field home and abroad, the present paper tries to make an analysis of the only island province Hainan to put forward some strategies to help its cultural tourism development.The present paper can be divided into six parts:in the first part, the author makes a brief introduction to the definition and features of cultural tourism and its theoretical foundation, and illustrates the significance of cultural tourism development to the whole tourism industry; in the second part, the author makes a classification and assessment of cultural tourism resources in Hainan using the analytical hierarchy process; in the third part, by researching the potential clients, the tourism reception capacity, the tourism product development and the tourism infrastructure instruction, the author analyzes the developing situation of tourism in Hainan with the SWOT and finds out its advantages and disadvantages; in the fourth part, the author tries to put forward some developing ideas and developing focuses of cultural tourism in Hainan province; in the fifth part, the author focuses on the cultural tourism construction in various aspects in Hainan province and tries to put forward some developing strategies; in the sixth part, the author tries to help set up a security system there from the perspective of organization, policies, funds and talents, etc.Finally, in the conclusion part, in connection with the newly announced plan "international tourism island", the author makes some prospects for the development and construction of cultural tourism in Hainan province in the new social situation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期