

The New Sino-us Russian Triangle Relations about China’s Development on the Influence of the Study

【作者】 许淳凯

【导师】 罗会钧;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 国际关系, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在国际关系理论中,由于三角关系具有独特的制衡性,因此经常被当作大国对外战略的重要依据,因此,在中美俄新三角关系框架下,中国如何取得战略主动权,对正处于战略机遇期的中国具有重要意义。本文首先分析三角关系与三边关系的理论区别,为三角关系的研究提供理论支撑,在三角关系的框架下,分析中美苏大三角关系,在中美苏的战略互动中,提炼出影响三角关系的一般因素,中美苏三角关系作为中美俄新三角关系的历史因素,给研究中美俄新三角关系提供历史论据。针对中美俄三角关系的影响要素,在经济、军事和地区安全方面得出了中国和平发展受到中美俄新三角关系的制约,中国如果想要继续和平发展道路,必须要在对外政策上有所改变。在中美俄新三角关系中,中国如何占据战略主动,也是中国未来发展的关键因素,而中国在新一轮的三角关系中,已经占据了很有利的位置,现阶段美俄对中国的战略又有了新的变化,这种变化建立在中国综合国力不断增强的基础上,在这个形势下,中国必须从建立中俄美三国政治军事互信,加强高层互访;深化三国经济合作,促进经济发展;扩宽能源进口渠道,降低能源风险;积极参与国际反恐合作,保障地区安全;增强军事实力,巩固国防安全五个方面来应对。

【Abstract】 In international relations theory, the triangle relation is often cited as a major basis for the country’s important foreign strategy because of its unique balance. ThTherefore, in the United States and Russia within the framework of the new triangular relationship, how to obtain the strategic initiative has great significance to China which is in the strategic opportunity.Firstly, this paper trying to explain the new triangle in the theoretical basis from the triangle and the triangular relationship of theory differences exist in the US-Russia strategic triangle basis; in the triangular relationship of the Soviet Union and in the Russian theory of the triangular relationship of heritage in the United States and Russia in three aspects. The US counter-terrorism strategy requires the support and cooperation of China and Russia, Russian foreign policy change leads to the changes in the status of the three, "constructive" and "strategic" in the United States and Russia are the core of the new triangle to illustrate the three aspects US-Russian relations in the strategic interaction between the new triangles. These two points work together to build a theoretical support for the new triangle. Second, it will focus on the impact from new triangular relationship to China’s peaceful development strategy through three aspects:economic cooperation, military security and situation in the region. Finally, it will propose strategy for China’s future response in five aspects through analyze the new changes of the triangular relationship between the US and Russia, and the interactive effects of the three countries between Russian strategy toward China and China’s peaceful development strategy; Russia and America from the establishment of political and military mutual trust, strengthen high-level visits; to deepen economic cooperation among the three countries to promote economic development; widening the channels of energy imports, reduce energy risk; actively participate in international cooperation against terrorism, safeguarding regional security; strengthen its military power to consolidate the national security.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】D822.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】305