

Research on Monitoring and Evaluation of Mine Geological Hazards Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Technique in BaiYin Coal Mine Area, GanSu

【作者】 刘欢

【导师】 朱谷昌; 杨自安;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 社会经济的高速发展,对矿产资源的需求与日俱增,各种矿产资源的开采活动也随之频繁。随着煤炭等矿产资源的大规模开采,严重破坏了矿区的生态平衡,造成矿区及周围的环境污染,并诱发了一系列的矿山地质灾害,矿区已经成为地质灾害的频发区。预测与评估矿区地质灾害,为矿区地质灾害的防治提供科学依据,已经成为人类刻不容缓的任务。遥感技术作为一种高新技术手段,具有快速、实时、周期性、信息丰富等特点,在地质灾害调查与监测及危险性评价领域具有重要的作用。本文以甘肃省白银煤矿区为研究区,采用2008年及2010年两期IKONOS卫星影像数据为数据源,进行地质灾害类别、规模、数量等信息提取研究。在此基础上,基于1km×1km的评价单元,采用GIS信息量法和指示指标加权平均法对地质灾害的危险性进行分区评价,取得了以下成果与创新:(1)在充分收集相关成果资料的基础上,深入研究该区的自然地理特征、区域地质矿产特征及已有的地质灾害概况,并分析了影响研究区地质灾害发生的影响因素,为后续的地质灾害专题遥感信息提取及危险性区划评价奠定了良好的基础。(2)通过对IKONOS卫星数据基本参数和波段特征的分析,研究适合研究区中低山区地形的正射方法,并选用Pansharp图像融合技术,提高影像的色调、清晰度及纹理特征,丰富遥感影像内容。此外,制作研究区三维影像图,直观再现了研究区地质灾害的三维形态特征,为矿区地质灾害信息提取创造了良好的条件,提高了研究区塌陷坑、地裂缝、地面沉降等地质灾害的解译精度。(3)在研究区地质灾害目视解译的基础上,应用ENVI、ERDAS等遥感软件,建立研究区各类地质灾害信息提取的知识模型,并进行灾害信息的计算机自动提取,通过对比分析与野外实地验证,共发现2008年塌陷坑、地裂缝分别为112处、45处,1处沉降区面积3.71km2;2010年塌陷坑增至163处,地裂缝达119处,沉降区面积扩大到18.65km2。(4)建立了参与研究区地质灾害危险性评价的三层结构指标体系,定量提取参评的灾害点密度、坡度、坡向等六大评价指标。采用GIS信息量法和指示指标加权平均法两种评价模型,对研究区进行了地质灾害危险性评价,通过对比分析和野外实地调研,划分出极高危险区、高危险区、中危险区、低危险区和无危险区五个危险级别。(5)采用遥感技术,首次在研究区采用遥感影像进行矿区地质灾害监测与危险性评价,初步形成了一套较为完整的地质灾害危险性评价技术路线及方法体系,即数据收集分析-建立评价指标体系-计算划分评价单元-运用评价模型-确定危险性等级,对今后开展同类研究具有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of social economy, the increasing demand for mineral resources, the exploitation of various mineral resources also will be frequent. Large-scale exploitation of coal resources and other mineral resources not only caused serious damaged to the ecological balance of the mining area, but also polluted the surrounding environment, even induced a series of geological disasters in mining area,which has become a frequent area of geological disasters. How to Predict and assess the mining geological hazards, to provide a scientific basis for the prevention of geological disaster, has become an urgent task of mankind. Remote sensing technology as a means of high-tech, it is fast, real-time, periodic, informative features and so on, which has played an important role in investigation, monitoring and risk assessment geological disaster.The article selected the Baiyin coal mine area in Gansu Province as the reseach area, used 2008 and 2010 IKONOS satellite image as the data sources, researched on information extraction for the type, size and number of geological disasters.Besides, based on the 1km×1km evaluation unit, using GIS-based information method and leading indicator of the weighted average method to partition the risk assessment. Major achievements and innovations were as follows:(1) In the full collection relevant achievements material, and on the basis of the thorough research the characters of natural geography, regional geological mineral characteristics and existing geological disaster situation, and analyzed the impact of geological disaster area studied the influence factors of the geological disaster, for the subsequent remote sensing information extraction project, and risk evaluation division to lay a good foundation.(2) Based on the analysis the basic parameters and the band features of IKONOS satellite data, research on the Ortho method for the low shot mountainous terrain study area and by Pansharp image fusion technology to improve the image color, clarity and texture, rich content of remote sensing image. In addition, produced three-dimensional imagery, visual representation of the study area, three-dimensional morphological characteristics of geological hazards created good conditions for extraction and improved the solution translation accuracy of the collapse pit, ground cracks, ground subsidence and other geological disasters in the reseach area.(3) On the basis of visual interpretation of geological disasters in the reseach area, applied ENVI, ERDAS, such as remote sensing software, established of knowledge model of information extraction for various types of geological hazards in reseach area, then automatic extract disaster information by computer, by comparing the field and field verification, founded out collapse pits 112, cracks 45, a settlement area 3.71km2 in 2008; collapse pit 163, cracks up 119, the settlement area expanded to 18.65 km2 in 2010.(4) Established three-tier structure for geological hazard evaluation, quantitative extracted such as disaster point density, slope, aspect and other six evaluation.using GIS-based information method and leading indicator of the weighted average method to partition the risk assessment for reseach area, by comparing field analysis and field research, divided into five risk grades:high risk areas, high-risk area, in the danger zone, low risk area and risk level of the five non-hazardous areas.(5) Through remote sensing technology, firstly Applied to monitor and risk assess geological disaster, initially formed a more complete risk assessment of technical route system and method for geological hazards, namely data collection, establishment evaluation index system, calculation evaluation unit, using assessment modle to determination risk grades, in order to provide a certain reference value and significance for the future similar reseach.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期