

Prediction of Mineral Resources in Central and Southern Peru Based on GIS

【作者】 林腾

【导师】 高光明;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 秘鲁,位于南美洲中部,太平洋东岸,占据着南美安第斯构造成矿带的重要区段,矿产资源——尤其是金、银、铜、铅、锌等贵金属和有色金属的富集度世所罕见,铁矿资源亦相当丰富,同时矿业是秘鲁的主要产业,矿业政策完善,投资环境稳定。是我国实施“走出去”战略的理想选择地之一。对秘鲁进行矿产资源预测与评价一方面解决我国矿产资源稀缺的问题,实现矿业可持续发展;另一方面,对秘鲁而言,能够尽快将资源优势转变为经济优势,互利双赢,意义重大。本文以秘鲁中南部地区为例,利用证据权重法对研究区进行成矿预测。首先,搜集区内与成矿相关的地质、矿产、遥感、地球化学、航磁等数据资料,并对这些多源数据进行信息提取;利用GIS的空间分析功能对提取的多源地学信息进行综合分析,初步建立成矿有利要素专题数据库;对成矿有利要素进行优选,并最终确定成矿有利证据因子层;根据构造、地层、侵入岩等控矿条件,结合航磁、化探、遥感等多源信息建立研究区证据权重找矿模型,计算各证据因子的权重值和后验概率值,并生成后验概率等级图;最后,结合研究区的地质概况和成矿条件对研究区进行成矿远景区圈定,并对预测结果进行评价与分析。本文最后共圈定出A、B两类成矿远景区共11处。对预测结果分析表明,圈定出的远景区基本上与区内地质、矿产和各种多源信息吻合的较好,符合地质事实,对研究区进一步找矿具有很好的指示意义。利用证据权重法进行矿产资源预测,不仅提高了区内找矿工作的效率,其预测结果更直观。总的说来,该方法在秘鲁中南部地区矿产资源预测取得的效果比较良好,达到了成矿预测的目的。

【Abstract】 Peru, located in central South America, the Pacific East Bank, occupied the critical section of the Andean tectonic metallogenic belt in South America. Enrichment of mineral resources, especially Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn and other precious metals or non-ferrous metals, rare in the world, also very rich in iron ore resources. Mining activity is a major industry in Peru, there have sound mining policy and a stable investment environment. Prediction and evaluation of mineral resources in Peru is one of the best strategic choice to implement China’s "going out"strategy. Prediction and evaluation of mineral resources in Peru on the one hand to solve the problem of scarcity of mineral resources and achieve sustainable development of mining; the other hand,for Peru, as soon as possible the resource advantages into economic advantages, mutual benefit and win-win situation, of great significance.This paper gives an example of central southern region of Peru, about which using the weight method of evidence to predict the mineralization. First, collection of data which associated with the mineralization including geology,minin,remote sensing,geochemistry and aeromagnetic, then extract information from these multi-source data; Comprehensive analysis for the information which was extracted from multi-source geographic data through GIS spatial analysis, the thematic databases was preliminary established for forming favorable factors; Optimization of forming favorable factors, and ultimately determine the evidence layer of forming favorable factors; Under the conditions of structure, stratigraphy, intrusive rocks, combination with aeromagnetic, geochemical, remote sensing and other multi-source information to establish the weight of evidence prospecting model for the study area, calculation the weight of evidence factors and posterior probabilities, and generation the class diagram of posterior probabilities; Finally, combination of geology and mineralization conditions, delineated mineralization prospect area for the study area, then evaluation and analysis for the forecast results. Finally, there are A and B two types A and B of mineralization propective areas which a total of eleven delineated. On the predicted results show that the prospective areas had a better fit with the geology, mineral resources and a variety of multi-source information of the study area, consistent with geological facts, and have a very good indication significance for further exploration of the study area.This method improves the efficiency of exploration, moreover, makes the prediction more intuitive.Overall, Prediction of mineral resources in the central and southern Peru using this method has achieved relatively good results, reaching the purpose of forming projections.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期