

【作者】 李武

【导师】 周科平;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 安全工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 民以食为天。食品是民生之本,民稳之基,民富之源。食品安全关系到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,关系到经济发展和社会稳定,关系到政府和国家形象。近年来食品安全事故时有发生,食品安全已经成为关系国计民生的一个极为突出的社会问题。因此,加强食品安全监管的研究,建立和完善我国食品安全监督管理体系,实施有效的食品安全应对措施,具有极其重要的意义。本文从政府的职能出发,从我国食品安全监管的现状切入,深刻剖析了我国食品安全监管存在的问题,借鉴了发达国家在食品安全监管方面的成功经验并结合我国在这方面的探索实践,举例分析了北京、上海两地食品安全监管体制改革的成功经验,根据中国的具体国情,思考并提出了具有中国特色的食品安全监管对策。全文共分七个部分:绪论、食品安全问题的经济理论、我国食品安全监管的问题分析、食品安全监管体制改革的国际经验与我国的探索实践、食品安全评价及其监控、健全和完善食品安全监管体制的对策分析、食品安全的评价及结论与展望。本文首先阐述了食品安全的相关概念,包括食品、食品安全及监管的定义;其次介绍了食品安全问题的经济理论并从我国食品安全监管的现状出发,剖析了食品安全监管存在的权责界定模糊、部门协调不畅、行政追究制度缺失、法律法规缺乏系统性完整性、技术标准缺失、冲突等问题;再次借鉴发达国家在食品安全监管方面的成功经验和结合我国的探索实践,分析了上海食品安全监管在统一监管方面改革取得的成功经验以及北京发挥各部门专长,建立起了合符当地实际的以工商部门为食品安全监管领域核心的食品安全监管体系的成功经验;同时,分析了食品安全方法并进行了实例分析,阐释了安全评价对于食品安全监控意义;最后结合问题,提出了健全和完善食品安全监管体制的对策和结论展望。希望本文能够对我国食品安全监管体制改革和健全起到一定的参考作用。

【Abstract】 The food is what matters to the people. It is the foundation of life, stability and the source of wealth for people. Food safety concerns born economic development and social stability, which relate to the image of government and nation. In recent years, food safety incidents accrued frequently. It has become an extremely prominent society problem. So it is significant to strengthen the research on regulation of food safety, establish the food safety regulatory system, and carry out the effective response measures.Proceed from the government functions, the paper analyzes the problems existing in the food regulation in our country based on the status quo of the supervision on food safety. By using the successful experience of other countries on food safety supervision and exploration and practice experience of our own, the examples of the food safety regulation reform of Beijing and Shanghai with the reference to the successful experience are presented. According to China’s specific national conditions, we present response measures to deal with the problems in the food safety regulation.The paper consists of seven parts. In the introduction, the definition of food, food safety and food regulation is expounded. In the second part, we introduce the economic theory on food safety supervision. In the third part, we analyze the problems such as the blurred defining right and obligation, the coordination barrier between different sectors, the lack of tracking system of administrative responsibility, the non-integrity of laws and regulations and the conflict of technical standards. In the forth part, we introduce the successful experience of the developed countries on the food safety supervision, the exploration and practice in our nation. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates Shanghai success in the reform on the unified regulation and Beijing successful experience in establishment the Food Safety Supervision System with the Business sector a leader in this part. In fifth chapter, food safety evaluation is given, and illustrates with examples on food safety by rough theory. In chapter six, some measures are listed to improve and perfect the food safety regulatory system. The end part is the conclusions and prospects. We wish this paper can be a reference to reform on the food safety regulatory system.

【关键词】 食品安全监管长效机制对策
【Key words】 Food safetyregulate onLong-term Mechanismcountermeasure
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】TS201.6;F203
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】369