

The Transforamtion of the Visual Communication Design under Digital Situation for Research

【作者】 刘黎明

【导师】 孙湘明;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 数字化的信息时代改变着人们的社会生活,也改变着人们接收信息的方式。视觉传达设计作为一种以传达信息为目的的应用型设计,数字技术的介入促使其呈现出新的特征和新的视觉语言形态,推动了视觉传达设计在新时期的设计转型。本文以“转型”作为研究重点,以数字技术的发展、数字媒介的特征为切入点,探讨在数字化境遇下视觉传达设计转型的依据、规律以及转型的趋势,以期对其转型获得一个较为清晰的轮廓,并为未来视觉传达设计的发展做一些基础性的前瞻与理论积累。全文分四个章节进行分析研究,按照从宏观到具体的逻辑顺序展开论述。首先,在研究国内外现状及发展的基础上,通过分析传统媒介与视觉传达设计的发展历程,从中探求传播媒介与视觉传达设计的关系,并通过对数字媒介特征的介绍,引出数字化境遇下视觉传达设计的界定以及发展现状。其次,从转型依据和规律两个方面分析了视觉传达设计转型的起因,指出了科技和人文素养的发展以及视觉传达设计转型规律的指引为其转型提供了有力的现实依据和理论依据。就依据而言,科技的发展和生活方式的改变对视觉传达设计转型起着重要的推动作用,就规律而言,从方法论的视角,究其自身发展的需要,引导视觉传达设计领域寻找着新的设计范式。再次,从理论的高度分析了数字化语境下视觉传达设计转型的趋势。从视觉传达设计维度,传播方式,学科发展,表现方式、信息载体以及视觉形态的转变入手进行了详细的论述。全面深刻地探索视觉传达设计未来的发展趋势。最后,结语部分是对全文分析的总结。通过分析视觉传达设计在数字化时代的今天发展与演变的方向与趋势,为视觉传达设计新的设计范式的确立提供理论积累。

【Abstract】 Digital information age to change people’s social life, also changing the way we receive information. Visual communication design as a kind of application for the purpose of conveying information design, mode of transmission change, promote the involvement of digital technology continue to present new visual design features and new visual language of form, promoted in the new era of visual communication design transformation.In this paper, visual communication design perspective, the "transformation" as a starting point to digital technology, digital media features as the starting point of the digital in the Situation of visual communication design transformation is based, regular and transition trends, to its transformation to obtain a clearer outline, and for the future development of Visual Communication Design’s vision to do some basic theoretical accumulation.Text discusses in four chapters to start, according to the logic from the abstract to the concrete in order to start arguments. First, the status quo in research and development at home and abroad based on the analysis of traditional media and visual communication design development process, from which to explore the media relations and visual communication design and digital media features through the introduction of situation leads to the next digital visual Definition of communication design and the development of the status quo.From the transformation of the basis and laws of both the causes of the transformation of visual communication design, and points out the development of science and technology and humanities, and visual communication design guidelines for restructuring transition rule provides a strong practical basis and theoretical basis. Pursuant to terms of technology and lifestyle changes on the visual communication design plays an important role in promoting the transition to law is concerned, from a methodological perspective, research of their own development needs, and guide the field of visual communication design with a new look design paradigm.Chapter IV analyzes the theoretical level from the digital transformation of the context of trends in visual communication design. Visual communication design from the dimensions of communication, academic development, technical performance, design process and visual symbol of the change to start a detailed discussion. Comprehensively and profoundly explore the future of visual communication design trends.Final conclusion part is the full text of the summary, although the transformation of visual communication design has not yet completed, but where the specific shift is not the most important important is the visual communication design is constantly changing in the development of their own.

【关键词】 数字化视觉传达设计转型
【Key words】 digital timesvisual communication designtransition
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期