

【作者】 黄辉

【导师】 方理刚; 边惠英;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 路基路面结构在运营中主要承受交通车辆的作用,它的实际工作状态与现行的静态力学计算体系有较大的差距。而针对红粘土高液限、高塑指、难失水的特点,用其填筑路基能否满足要求,是值得关注的课题之一。因此,本文从对红粘土的室内改良试验和有限元分析入手,研究了动态荷载作用下红粘土填筑公路路基的动力特性,主要内容如下:1对红粘土的物理力学特性以及改良前后的力学强度试验进行分析,得到一些有益结论,并确定了最佳掺灰比,获取一些计算参数。最后建议施工时掺入6%生石灰,控制好路基压实度,并注意对其进行养护,确保其强度、稳性能够得到有效地增长。2结合大型有限元分析软件ANSYS,建立了沥青路面结构动力有限元三维空间分析模型;将交通荷载模拟为移动的恒定荷载,考虑在平整路面和不平整路面(假定路面为—已知的波形面)情况下,计算在不同工况组合(五种轮载、五种车速)下路面结构的动态应力、应变以及位移等动态响应。找出它们之间的关系并通过分析比较得出一些结论。3对红粘土改良土施工工艺进行了研究。对红粘土路堤施工流程和压实度影响因素进行分析,并通过一系列现场试验,对碾压工艺,包括碾压含水量的控制、压实机具的选择,松铺厚度等进行了分析研究,确定最终的施工工艺。

【Abstract】 Subgrade and pavement mainly bear the vehicle loads under the transport conditions.The actual working state of the subgrade and pavement difference from the static mechanical calculation system. Especially to the high liquid limit and plasticity index red clay which is hard to lose water if it can fill the subgrade?It is the good subject in highway development. Therefore, this thesis commences on the improveing test of red clay, and goes deep research into the dynamic performance of red clay under dynamic load. Some conclusions and research achievement are obtained as follows.1 The physical and mechanical properties of red clay and the mechanical strength of modified red clay were researched by indoor tests.Some useful conclusions were obtained,the best mixing ratio of lime were fixed on,and some calculated parameters were got.6%lime was suggested to mix into the red clay in construction.Controlling the compactness and ensure good maintance would be benefit to its strength and stability.2 Combined with the large finite element software ANSYS,the tri-dimensional spatial timing coupled dynamic model of asphalt pavement structure were established.The traffic load were simulated by moving load, the dynamic performance were calculated under different working state under level pavement and rough pavement.3 The construction technology of modified red clay was studied.the construction process and the influence factor of compactness were analysed in this thesis. Furtherly, the construction technology was studied by analyzing rolling process,such as the controlling of water content,the choice of rolling machine and the thickness of the lossening layers through series of tests.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期