

Survey on Status of the Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity of Middle School Students in MILUO City and Relationship of Birth Weight and Simple Obesity

【作者】 龙琴

【导师】 王平芳;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 内科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 第一部分汨罗市中学生超重、肥胖的现况调查研究目的:现场调查汨罗市中学生超重、单纯性肥胖检出率,为职能部门制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法:采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取汨罗市4所中学,共抽取7797名11-18岁所有在校中学生进行身高、体重测量,采用身高标准体重法筛选超重、肥胖。结果:(1)泪罗市超重及肥胖检出率分别为10.9%与5.3%;(2)通过样本信息比较分析,男生的超重、肥胖检出率均明显高于女生(14.8% vs 6.9%,6.8% vs 3.5%,P=0.000);各个年龄段中,13-14岁组男女超重无统计学差异,除13-14岁组,17-18岁组男生超重检出率高于女生(P=0.00-0.02)。13-17岁四组,男生肥胖检出率高于女生(P=0.000-0.041),17-18岁组差异无统计学意义;超重肥胖检出率集中在11-12、12-13、13-14、14-15、15-16岁组五组。结论:(1)泪罗市中学生超重检出率不容乐观,但肥胖率较低,应控制超重现象,及早控制超重向肥胖发展为防治重点。(2)泪罗市中学生超重肥胖检出率上呈现男高女低,应把男生作为肥胖干预的重点人群;超重肥胖检出率集中在11-12、12-13、13-14、14-15、15-16岁组五组,此年龄段应重点干预。第二部分出生体重与中学生单纯性肥胖关系目的:探讨出生体重与中学生单纯性肥胖的关系,预防和减少中学生单纯性肥胖提供科学依据。方法:在随机整群抽样的方法抽取泪罗市4所中学中筛选出单纯性肥胖中学生,对筛查出中学生与的正常体重中学生采用1:1匹配的病例对照研究的方法,通过问卷调查,对出生体重与中学生单纯性肥胖关系进行分析。结果:(1)高出生体重儿肥胖发生的危险是正常出生体重的2.36倍(P=0.000)。(2)低出生体重儿肥胖发生的危险是正常出生体重儿的2.45倍(P=0.046)。(3)中学生BMI与出生体重之间的数量关系呈现“U”形分布,应用曲线回归拟合得出两条曲线方程为Y=1.183X2-7.393X+38.408, Y=0.996X2-6.3X+30.88 (P均为0.000)。结论:(1).低出生体重与高出生体重是中学生肥胖的危险因素。(2).预防应该从胎儿期就抓起,加强孕期健康教育,婴幼期的适合营养支持体育锻炼,制定妇女儿童保健政策,对青少年肥胖进行预防。

【Abstract】 Part One:Survey on Status of the prevalence of overweight, obesity Middle school students in MILUOObjective:To investigate nuitritional status of middle school students in Miluo and to provide scientific evidence for exploring measures for intervention.Methods:Four middle schools in Miluo urban area were randomly selected and their students aged 11 to 18 years were recruited to measure the body height and weight, and the nutritional status was assessed by the method of weight for height.Results:(1) The rate of overweight students has reached 10.9% and the rate of obese students has reached 5.3% in students aged 11-19 in Miluo. (2)The ratios of obesity (14.8% vs 6.9%,6.8% vs 3.5% P=0.000), and overweight (6.8% vs 3.5%, P<0.01) was significantly higher in boy students than that of girl students. The rate of overweight in boy students was higher than girl students except 17 to 18ages group. (P=0.001~0.005). The rate of obesity in boy students was higher than girl students except 11 to 13ages group. (P=0.001~0.005). The rate of overweight and obesity were concentrated in the 11-16 age groups.Conclusion:(1) The prevalence of overweight was severe and the prevalence of obesity was relatively low. We should control the tendency of obesity from overweight. (2) The rate of overweight and obesity of students in Miluo city rendered on a tendency that the number of boys more than girls. We should focus on boys as obese people. Prevalence of overweight and obesity concentrated in the 11-12、12-13、13-14、14-15、15-16 age groups which we should focus on. Part two:Survey on relationship between birth weight and Middle school students simple obesityObjective:To study the relationship between birth weight and Middle school students simple obesity to provide reference for Middle school students obesity prevention.Methods:Four middle schools in Changsha urban area were randomly selected and their students were recruited to measure the body height and weight. A 1:1 matched case control study was carried out by using questionnaire survey to study the relationship between birth weight and Middle school students obesity.Results:(1) The risk of obesity for students with high birth weight was 2.36 times for that of students with normal birth weight (P=0.000). (2)The risk of obesity for students with low birth weight was 2.45 times for that of students with normal birth weight (P=0.045). (3) the relationship between birth weight and BMI showed "U" shape distribution and curve equation were Y=1.183X2-7.393X+38.408 and Y=0.996X2-6.3X+30.88 (P= 0.000)Conclusion:1. Students obesity was affected by high birth weight and low birth weight.2. We should prevent the increase of obesity from the fetal period to strengthen health education during pregnancy. The nutrition and physical exercise should appropriate for infant and children. Health policy should draw up for Women and children.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】R589.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】107