

The Current Status and Risk Factors Analysis for Children Burns in Chang-Zhu-Tan Region

【作者】 张秋香

【导师】 孙振球; 丁四清;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 公共卫生, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的通过对长株潭地区部分医院收治的0-14岁儿童烧伤患者的烧伤原因、受伤时间以及家庭社会环境等进行调查研究,描述儿童烧伤的流行病学特征并对儿童烧伤的致伤危险因素进行初步分析。方法随机抽取长沙市三级甲等医院1所,二级甲等医院1所,株洲市三级甲等医院1所,二级甲等医院1所,湘潭市三级甲等医院1所,二级甲等医院1所进行调查。对其收治的0-14岁住院烧伤患儿及其家长进行问卷调查,调查问卷的内容包括家庭一般状况、儿童生理情况、烧伤情况及家长对儿童烧伤知识的掌握情况等,其中儿童烧伤严重程度的判定采用1970年全国烧伤会议标准。采用SPSS 13.0对所收集的数据进行统计分析,统计分析方法包括描述性统计分析、卡方检验及多因素Logistic回归分析。结果66例烧伤患儿中,男孩30例,女孩36例,各年龄段患儿烧伤构成比依次为三3岁(62.1%),4-6岁(24.2%)以及7-14岁(13.6%)。随着年龄的增长,女孩在烧伤患儿中所占的比例逐渐下降。最常见的致伤原因为热液烧伤(56.1%),其次为火焰烧伤(30.3%),其他原因的烧伤占13.6%。随着年龄的增长,火焰烧伤的比例逐渐增加,在7-14岁以上年龄组成为主要的致伤因素。烧伤最易发生在室内(83.3%),客厅为最主要的烧伤发生场所占(47.3%)。75.8%的患儿烧伤发生在白天。烧伤严重程度的构成比依次为中度(56.1%)、重度(22.7%)、轻度(13.6%)、特重(7.6%)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示:户籍情况、看护人职业、人均住房面积、儿童体质进入回归方程,其中户籍在城市、看护人职业为职工、人均住房面积大是儿童烧伤的保护性因素。结论婴幼儿时期(0-3)岁似为儿童烧伤的易发年龄段;热液/热蒸汽造成的烧烫伤是儿童烧伤最常见的类型;室内似为儿童烧伤的最容易发生的地点;火焰引起的儿童烧伤程度较热液/热蒸汽引起者严重;户籍情况、看护人职业、人均住房面积、儿童体质是儿童烧伤的影响因素。针对以上方面,采取行之有效的预防措施,同时应用各种宣传途径提高人们对烧伤危险因素的认识,进一步普及烧伤防治知识,从而提高全社会预防儿童烧伤的水平。

【Abstract】 Objective:To describe the epidemiologic feature of children burns and to initially analyze the risk factors by investigation of the physiology, traumatic condition and family-social environment of the 0-14 years old burned children in several hospitals in Chang-Zhu-Tan region.Methods:The stratified cluster sampling was used in the study. We took samples from three top hospitals and three second-grade top hospitals in Chang-Zhu-Tan regio. Investigation was done among children of younger than 14 years and their parents in paediatrics and bum out--patient department(OPD)and Emergency Department from May 2010 to December 2010. The content of investigation included formation of bum children, general in formation of children’s family, their socio-economic status, their knowledge ofbums, and patients’ condition. Burns diagnosis standard is based on the diagnosis standard established in 1970, all the data was analyzed with SPSS 13.0 software. The statistical methods included descriptive statistic alanalysis, Chi-Square test and multiple factor condition Logistic regression analysis.Results:Among all the 66 burn children,30 cases are boys and 36cases are girls. In different age groups, the structural ratios of child patients were less than 3 years(61.2%),4~6 years(24.2%),7~14 years(13.6%), respectively. The proportion of girls deceased when the children’s ages increased. The most common cause of bum is hot liquid(56.1%), and hot flame the second(30.3%), then the other causes(13.6%). The proportion of hot flame burns increased when the children’s ages increased, which replaced hot liquid to be the most common cause of burns in the 7-14 years old children. Indoor burns happened more common than outdoors (83.3% vs.16.7%).Living room is the most common place where children burns happened (47.3%). Most burns happened in daytime. The constituent ratio of burn severity was moderate (56.1%), then severe (22.7%), mild (13.6%) and extremely severe (7.6%). The multi—factorial logistic regression analysis showed: status of census register, occupation of guardian, living area per capita and physical constitution of children were associated with the occurrence of children bums, and were statistically significant. Living in city, guardian having work and living area per capita are protective factors.Conclusion:0-3 years seems to be the most common period of burn happens. Hot liquid or steam is the most common burn causes. Indoor burns seem happened more common than outdoors. Flames cause more severe burns than hot liquid or steam. Status of census register, occupation of guardian, living area per capita and physical constitution of children were associated with the occurrence of children bums. It is of great significance to prevent the children bum by paying more attention to all the factors above, elevating people’s knowledge of danger factors and enhancing propagate education of prevention and treatment knowledge in bum.

【关键词】 烧伤儿童危险因素预防
【Key words】 burnchildriskinessprevent
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期