

【作者】 于欣

【导师】 王随平;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 深海采矿车工作于6000米深海底极其复杂的环境当中,海底稀软底质和海浪等各种扰动的存在,给深海采矿车的控制带来了极大的影响。位于深海采矿车前端的水射流采输装置担负着对深海底表层金属结核的捕获收集任务,其位姿参数即对地高度和倾角直接影响到能否捕获结核以及结核采集效率,间接影响对深海沉积物的扰动程度。该参数的控制是整个采矿控制系统的关键因素之一。开展水射流采输装置位姿控制研究,对提高水射流采输装置位姿即高度和倾角参数稳态性能和动态品质,进而保证集矿安全、高效及保护海底环境等,具有重要意义。本文以深海采矿车为背景,首先介绍了水力式采矿车采矿原理及水射流采输装置组成。然后针对水射流采输装置液压驱动系统的非对称性特点,建立了水射流采输装置液压系统数学模型。由于水射流采输装置采用电液比例阀控液压缸结构,是复杂的非对称、非线性系统,而且水射流采输装置工作于深海底,处于强烈扰动的环境中,因此,采用鲁棒自适应控制算法来实现对水射流采输装置的控制。在设计鲁棒自适应控制器的过程中,首先采用模型参考自适应算法以克服系统的不确定性及非线性,然后通过给控制系统加一个由误差驱动的鲁棒控制器构成鲁棒自适应控制器,提高水射流采输装置位姿控制系统的鲁棒性。最后,利用MATLAB软件建立了水射流采输装置控制系统仿真模型,分别对有、无干扰情况下模型参考自适应算法和鲁棒自适应算法进行了仿真,验证了本文算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 The deep-sea mining vehicle works in 6,000 meters deep seabed. The control of the vehicle has been influenced detrimentally by the rare soft seabed sediments and various other disturbances in the deep-sea environment. The water jet mining output device, which lies at the head of the vehicle, completes the collection on the multiply-metal modules. The result of capturing and efficiency of the collecting are heavily affected by attitude parameter of the mining output device, which also influences the disturbing degree of the deep-sea sediment. So the attitude parameter is the core of the controlling. It is significant to study the technology of attitude control of the water jet mining output device, by witch we can make the system stable, achieve dynamic characteristics, keep the mining safe and efficient, and protect the environment of deep-sea.Based on the deep-sea mining vehicle, the collecting theory and the constitution of the water jet mining output device are introduced. According to the asymmetry of the hydraulic system, the lifting—up and descending-down mathematical model is set up respectively. Considering the characteristics of valve controlling asymmetric cylinder system and the various disturbances of the deep-sea environment, a robust adaptive controller is designed. In the process of designing robust adaptive controller, the uncertainty and nonlinear are overcome by using model reference adaptive algorithm system, and then a robust controller driven by the error is constituted. The robustness of the control system for the attitude of the mining output device is improved.Finally, a simulation model is setup with MATLAB tool, computational simulations are carried out using adaptive control and robust adaptive control respectively in toolbox SIMULINK of MATLAB. The effectively of the algorithm is proved by the simulation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期