

The Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Caragana Korshinskii Kom. Seedling Growth and Stress Resistant Physiology

【作者】 杨敏

【导师】 汪季;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文选用植物生长延缓剂(Profile*2SC)对柠条(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)进行生长和抗性两方面研究。主要结论如下:(1)通过大田试验,研究不同苗龄柠条土壤施用植物生长延缓剂,对其株高、地径、生物量和根系的影响。结果表明:土壤施用植物生长延缓剂对不同苗龄柠条的株高和地上生物量都有一定抑制作用,而对地径和根长、根系表面积和根系体积均有不同程度的促进作用。其中,同一苗龄的柠条经不同用量的植物生长延缓剂处理后,根长、根系表面积和根系体积较对照都有增加的趋势,经40ml/穴植物生长延缓剂处理的柠条效果最明显。比较经植物生长延缓剂处理不同苗龄的柠条发现,苗龄越小,植物生长延缓剂对根长,根系表面积和根系体积的影响越大。(2)通过室内植物生长延缓剂浸种试验,研究干旱胁迫下柠条幼苗叶片相对含水量、叶绿素含量、丙二醛含量等7项生理抗旱指标的变化情况,采用隶属函数进行抗旱性综合评价。结果表明:经植物生长延缓剂浸种处理的柠条幼苗,较对照抗旱性明显增加。抗旱性强弱的顺序依次为1:11>1:16>1:21>1:6>1:1>对照;而且随着浸种时间的增加,抗旱性也表现出增加的趋势。

【Abstract】 This paper is the research about the growth regulators on caragana korshinskii kom.seedling growth and stress resistant physiology.The main result to show:(1)Study the effect of different seedling age of caragana to its plant height,ground diameter,biomass and root system by the field experiment.The results showed that the growth retardants could inhibit different seedling age of Caragana’s ground plant height and biomass,but could promote its ground diameter and surface area and volume of root.The same seeding age Caragana which disposed with different amount growth retardants,the length,surface area and volume of root all increased.Disposed with 40ml/point’s increased obviously. Compared the age,the smaller the seeding,the effect of the growth retardants to its the length,surface area and volume of root.(2)Study the change of the leaves’relative water content,chlorophyll content,MDA content,etc.of the seeding in drought stress. Make the overall merit by membership function.The results showed that the seeding’s drought resistance which treated with growth retardants by seed soaking increased obviously compared with control sample.The order from strong to weak of the drought resistance is 1:11>1:16>1:21>1:6>1:1>control sample.Along with the increasing of the soaking seed time,the drought resistance increased too.
