

Coupling of Water and Fertilizer Effects on Productivity and Quality of Aohan Alfalfa

【作者】 苏亚丽

【导师】 张力君;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 植物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 采用三因素完全裂区试验设计,研究赤峰地区N、P、水最佳配比对播种前两年紫花苜蓿生物学性状、产草量、营养成分和土壤肥力的影响,主要研究结论如下:1.产量及其构成要素之间的关系:株高随着N、P肥用量和灌水量的增加呈增高趋势;分枝数随着N、P肥用量的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势,灌水量对分枝数影响不显著;水肥对主茎增粗作用不明显。2.干草总产量最高的处理为:300 kg/hm2(N)+450 kg/hm2(P)+2300m3/hm2(W)( 41335kg/hm2 )。N、P、W三因素交互处理中,以300 kg/hm2(N)+450 kg/hm2(P)+2300m3/hm2(W)的干草产量最高;N、W二因素交互,干草产量最高的处理是:300 kg/hm2(N)+1150m3/hm2(W);P、W二因素交互,干草产量最高处理是:450 kg/hm2(P)+2300m3/hm2(W);N、P、W三因素交互作用大于N、W和P、W二因素交互。3.粗蛋白﹑粗灰分﹑粗脂肪﹑酸性洗涤纤维﹑中性洗涤纤维最佳营养成分所需的水肥组合为:300 kg/hm2(N)+450 kg/hm2(P)+2300m/hm2(W),干物质含量最高的处理为:300 kg/hm2(N)+450 kg/hm2(P)+1150m3/hm2(W)。4.叶绿素方程中,各因素的作用为:N>P>W,且N为正值, P、W为负值,P-W交互作用为正值,含量最高的处理为:N 300kg/hm2、P2O5 0kg/hm2、土壤含水量5-10%。硝酸还原酶方程中,各因素的作用为:W>N>P,都为正值,N-W及P-W交互作用为正值,硝酸还原酶活性最高的处理为:N 300kg/hm2、P2O5 450kg/hm2、土壤含水量5-10%。5.土壤肥力变化趋势:刈割后有机质含量降低,施肥前土壤全氮含量比刈割后降低,碱解氮含量比施肥前降低。第二年施肥前土壤速效磷含量比播种当年刈割后降低,第二年第一、二茬苜蓿刈割后均比施肥前升高。各茬速效钾含量一直呈下降趋势。

【Abstract】 The objective of this study was to show the effects of ratio N、P and water on growing characteristics、hay yields、nutrients and soil fertility of alfalfa in two years, adopted complete split-plot experimental design. The main conclusions as follows:1. The relation of yield and yield components :When N、P fertilizer and irrigation increased dosage, plant height was higher and the number of branch first increased and then decreased,but the number of branch has no significant difference in two level of water. The diameter of main stem increase insignificantly.2. The highest treatment of total hey yield was: 300 kg/hm2(N)+450 kg/hm2(P)+ 2300m3/hm2(W)(41335 kg/hm2).In the interaction treatment of N、P、W three factors ,the highest treatment of hey yield was: 300 kg/hm2(N)+450 kg/hm2(P)+ 2300m3/hm2(W); In the interaction treatment of N and W two factors, the highest treatment of hey yield was: 300 kg/hm2 (N)+1150m3/hm2(W); In the interaction treatment of P and W two factors,the highest treatment of hey yield was: 450 kg/hm2(P)+2300m3/hm2(W); N、P、W interaction role than N、W interaction and P、W interaction.3. Crude protein、crude ash、crude fat、acid detergent fiber、neutral detergent fiber the best nutrients required for the combination of water and fertilizer was: 300 kg/hm2(N)+450 kg/hm2(P)+2300m3/hm2(W),but the highest content of dry matter treatment was: 300 kg/hm2(N)+450 kg/hm2(P)+1150m3/hm2(W).4. In the regression equation of chlorophyll, the size of role each factor was: N>P>W and N was positive,P、W was negative, P-W interaction was positive,the highest treatment of chlorophyll content was: N 300kg/hm2、P2O5 0kg/hm2、soil moisture content was 5-10%;In the regression equation of nitrate reductase, the role of various factors were :W>N>P and for all positive, N-W and P-W interaction were positive,the highest treatment of nitrate reductase activity was: N 300kg/hm2、P2O5 450kg/hm2、soil moisture content was 5-10%.5. The tendency of the soil fertility as follows: the content of soil organic matter decreased after harvest.The content of soil total nitrogen increased and the content of soil alkali-hydro nitrogen decreased compared with that before fertilization. In contrast to before-fertilization in the second year,the content of available phosphorus in soil decreased after harvest while the content of soil available phosphorus increased for two cuttings in the next year.Then the content of soil available potassium for each cutting decreased.
