

Study on Transfer of Defective Capital Contribution of a Limited Liability Company

【作者】 徐佼佼

【导师】 王跃龙;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代公司法实践中,由于有限责任公司的管理、运作在实际中往往出现不规范,便导致涌现出许多股东瑕疵出资的现象,而由股东出资瑕疵所导致的瑕疵出资股权引发了关于该股权转让的相关纠纷及相关问题。公司法理论界和实务界对这种现象都缺乏明确规定,有关瑕疵出资股权转让的效力和相关责任的承担在理论界争论不穷,而司法实践对此类问题认定的依据也各不相同,实践中也做法各一。2011年2月16日,公司法司法解释三开始实施,它对相关责任认定问题有了定论性规定,这一立法的进步对于相关问题有了明确性的意见,但对于有限责任公司瑕疵出资股权转让问题仍然值得我们探讨和研究。本文共分为导言、正文和结语三部分,而主要内容正文部分又分成三个部分,它的内容结构如下:第一部分:瑕疵出资股权的概述。这部分介绍了瑕疵出资的概念,瑕疵出资股权的概念以及瑕疵出资的分类,这是瑕疵出资股权得以转让的物质基础。继而又讨论了股东资格的认定标准以及出资与股东资格取得之间的关系,得出结论:股东出资与股东资格的取得并不是一一对应的关系,即不出资也可以具备股东资格,所以本文认为,瑕疵出资股东仍然具备股东资格,只是其股东权利受到限制,但并不妨碍瑕疵出资股权的转让,该瑕疵出资股权仍具有转让性。第二部分:瑕疵出资股权转让合同的效力分析与评价。这部分介绍了公司法理论界关于此类股权转让效力的三种学说,绝对有效说、绝对无效说和可撤销说,也逐一评价了三种学说的优点与不足,本文肯定了可撤销说的合理之处并结合公司法审判实务中关于各种转让情形来加以阐述最后得出本文见解。可撤销说符合民法与商法价值取向之兼顾,也符合民法公平正义与商法外观、便捷之辩证融合。第三部分:瑕疵出资股权转让后的责任承担,这部分介绍了两大法系对于瑕疵出资股权转让后责任承担的认定,也阐述了公司法理论界对于责任认定的四种学说:出让股东完全承担责任说、受让股东完全承担责任说、出让股东与受让股东承担连带责任说、依受让股东的主观状态确定承担主体说,并一一作了评价。本文主张采用依受让股东的主观状态确定承担主体说,并结合相关立法沿革分析了该说的合理之处。最后,结合立法动态,根据最新实施的公司法解释三来详细评述对于责任认定的规定之合理性。有限责任公司的瑕疵出资股权转让是值得思考、讨论和研究的问题,无论是从理论上完善的角度还是从立法上完备的角度来看,都具有深远的意义。尽管其中的有关问题已经有立法所定论,然而这些问题的具体细节、立法意图等都值得讨论和研究,这样才能更好地运用到公司法实务中来指导司法实践。

【Abstract】 On the practice of company law, the phenomenon of shareholders’defective capital contribution often happened because of irregular operation and management of limited liability company. This phenomenon leads to legal disputes of transfer of defective capital contribution. The theory field and practice field have arguments of the related problems, the effective or the responsibility of the transfer of defective capital contribution are not clearly regulated. Though the implementation of the third judicial interpretation of the company law have regulated the responsibility of the issue, the problem of transfer of defective capital contribution still have profound meaning to study.The paper divided into three parts, introduction, text and epilogue. The text could be divided into three parts, and the structure hereof is as follows:PartⅠis the introduction of the formation of the defective capital contribution share. This part also introduces the classification of defective capital contribution, which is the material foundation of transfer of this very share. Then discuss the relationship of standard of shareholder’s qualification and capital contribution, the conclusion is that without capital contribution the shareholder can still have the shareholder’s qualification. So this paper’s view of point is that even if a shareholder defectively contribute the capital still have the shareholder’s qualification, but his rights of share will be limited, his defective share is still transferable in despite of this defective factor.PartⅡanalyze and evaluate the effect of transfer of defective share. This part introduce and evaluate three theories of this problem, including absolute no-effective theory, absolute validity effective theory and revocable theory. Revocable theory is reasonable and have many advantages, this paper through various situations of defective share transfer on judicial practice to demonstrate the reasonability of revocable theory, because this theory reply to the basic requirement civil law and commercial law, also it reply to the fair and convenience of spirits of the two laws.PartⅢintroduce responsibility of defective share transfer in civil law System and Anglo-American Legal System, then introduce four theories of the responsibility of defective share transfer in our country, then evaluate each theory. Writer insist that the responsibility shall be bounded in cording to the subjective condition of the shareholder who received the defective share, then analyze the reasonable aspects of this theory on the basis of development of relevant legislation. Last this part evaluate the theory through the newly implement legislation’s regulation.Study on transfer of defective capital contribution share of a limited liability company has magnificent and profound meaning, no matter on improvement of theory or on complement of the legislation. Although some aspects of this problem has been regulated with relevant law, the detail of the regulation and purpose of legislation still have significance to study to apply to the practice of Company Law and to guide the judicial practice.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】4
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