

Commercial Bank of China Legal Issues of Personal Finance Products

【作者】 王彬

【导师】 唐波;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来我国经济的持续快速增长促进了居民收入的极大提高,商业银行也适时地推出个人理财产品,个人理财市场得到了快速发展。近年来,个人理财市场投资者的投资热情高涨,商业银行关于个人理财产品的金融创新也日益加快,使我国个人理财市场呈现出欣欣向荣之像,但在繁荣的背后也存在着许多没有解决的法律问题,这些法律问题阻碍了个人理财市场的进一步发展。从宏观角度来看,这些法律问题的存在不利于我国个人理财产品的持续健康发展,进而影响我国金融市场的稳定与国际化。从微观上看,会使个人理财产品的交易方面临着更多法律层面上的不确定性,这不仅增加了纠纷与争议的可能,同时也增加了交易成本,进而挫伤交易者的积极性。这些法律问题的出现和个人理财产品自身的特殊性与复杂性不无关系,但是我国个人理财市场领域立法不成熟、个人理财产品理论的混乱及交易各方法律风险防范意识不强才是问题的根源。本文主要从法律视角解读我国商业银行个人理财产品在现阶段面临的各种法律问题,试图确定个人理财产品的法律性质,然后再分析实践中个人理财产品交易各方面临的法律风险,并对相关主体提出切实可行的应对措施。本文的主要结构及内容是:第一部分首先介绍了商业银行个人理财产品的产生、发展的基本情况,然后又说明了理论界对个人理财产品的分类,以期能够全面理解个人理财产品的结构,明确商业银行设计个人理财产品的初衷,进而为对个人理财产品进行清晰而明确的法律定位奠定基础。第二部分针对我国商业银行个人理财产品法律性质定位混乱的现状,提出对其法律性质进行准确界定的必要性。接着介绍了界定个人理财产品法律性质的两种主要理论的论点及论据,然后依据现有法律法规,并结合个人理财产品的实际运作流程对委托论进行了驳斥,最后得出个人理财产品的应为信托产品的结论,并提出了关于个人理财产品的立法如何进一步完善的建议。第三部分针对个人理财产品发展的现状及趋势,介绍了其存在的法律风险的特点及风险的成因,并分别对个人理财产品参与者面临的现有及潜在法律风险做出了分析。然后针对交易各方面对的法律风险,分别从个人投资者及商业银行的角度提出了面对法律风险时应采取的措施,以便将个人理财产品的法律风险降到最低,进而保证商业银行个人理财市场健康快速的发展。

【Abstract】 Since reforming and open up, China’s sustained rapid growth for the great increase income, commercial banks have also launched a timely personal finance product, and personal finance market has been rapid development. Especially in recent years, in financial market investor enthusiasm, financial innovation of the commercial banks on personal finance products is also accelerating, the personal finance market in China has emerged as thriving. But behind the boom there are many legal issues which have not settled down. The emergence of these legal issues are not unrelated the particularity and complexity of personal finance products, but the chaos of legislation in the field of personal finance market, the immature of the theory of personal finance products, and weak awareness of risk prevention is the root of the problem. From the macro point of view, these legal issues are not conducive to sustained and healthy development of our personal financial product, thereby affecting the stability of our financial markets and internationalization. From the microscopic point of view, this will give personal financial product trading parties the right to face more legal uncertainty, which not only increases the possibility of disputes and controversies, but also increase transaction costs, and thus dampen trader active transactions. This article, from the Legal Perspective, tries to figure out a variety of legal issue of personal financial products, trying to determine the legal nature of personal financial products, and then analyzes the practice of personal financial products, parties to the transaction may face legal risks and have made on the relevant subjects targeted practical response. The main structure and contents are:The first part introduce starting and developing of personal finance products and then describes the theoretical circle of personal financial products category, with a view to a comprehensive understanding of personal financial products, product mix, specifically the original intention of commercial banks to design personal financial product, and then base it to position personal financial product clearly and explicitly.The second part of commercial banks for the legal nature of personal financial products, positioning the chaotic situation, put forward the legal nature of their need for precisely defined. Then introduced the definition of the nature of personal financial products, the two main theories of legal argument and the argument, and then based on existing laws, regulations and laws, and personal finance products with the actual operation process of the commission were rejected on the conclusion that personal wealth management products .The product should trust the conclusions.The third part of the development of products for the personal financial status and trends, and describes the legal risks of its existence the characteristics and causes of risk and personal finance products, respectively, the existing potential participants made the analysis of legal risks.Then the legal risk faced by parties to the transaction, respectively, individual investors and commercial banks to the face legal risks associated with countermeasures to be taken for personal finance products will minimize the risk of further legal guarantee personal finance market, commercial banks, healthy and rapid development.

  • 【分类号】D922.281;F832.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】573