

The Difficulties of the Development and Trends and Paths to Improvement of Interests Declaration in China

【作者】 田霞

【导师】 刘厚金;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 财产申报制度是世界各国治理腐败的重要措施。它的兴起是政府对社会发展及自身问题的应对之举,其目的是通过将公职人员的财产状况置于廉政部门及社会公众的监督之下,有效提高公职人员社会经济生活的透明度,迫使腐败财产无所遁形,充分保障公众的知情权和监督权,从而在根本上维护社会公共利益。该制度的意义在于,它不仅体现了公共利益在公共行政过程中的核心地位,而且公众通过该制度所铺设的渠道,成为反腐败斗争的重要形式,在有效提高反腐败效能的同时,也积极维护了公共部门及其公职人员的良好形象,为社会主义现代化建设奠定了良好的发展环境。财产申报制度作为预防和惩治腐败的重要制度手段,究其兴起的原因,不仅是对当今社会公共利益的凸显以及传统反腐败措施的缺陷的应对,更是政治、经济、文化以及公民社会发展的结果。而我国财产申报自1985年被提出以来,经历了多年的理论探索和实践积累,成为当前社会热议的反腐败措施之一。尤其是2010年中央新颁布了《关于领导干部报告个人有关事项的规定》,较以往的制度规定有了较大的突破,为我国财产申报制度的进一步发展和完善奠定了基础。然而,不难发现,中央有关财产申报制度的规定仍存在诸多问题。当前,新疆阿勒泰、浙江慈溪、湖南浏阳等地先后对财产申报制度进行了积极的尝试,这些地方试点共性不仅共性突出,而且更具地方特色,对我国的财产申报制度的发展和完善具有重要意义。但不可否认的是,当前地方试点工作由于受到社会意识形态、政治、经济等因素的影响,对于反腐败的迫切需要而言仍有较大的差距,许多暴露的问题尚待我们分析解决。事实上,导致我国财产申报制度陷入发展困境的因素并不是偶然的,传统官本位思想的影响、对公职人员隐私权的界定、相关配套制度的不足以及缺乏高层有的有力支持和推动是导致该制度丧失反腐败功能的关键所在。为此,我们应当在立足本国国情的基础上,以其他国家和地区的财产申报实践为借鉴,加快我国财产申报制度的立法建设,从制度本身以及配套措施两个角度出发,构建财产申报系统工程。

【Abstract】 Property declaration system is one of the important anti-corruption measures in the world. Its rise is the countermeasure of the governments toward social developments as well as their own problems, also it is aimed at increasing the transparency of the officials’ social and economic lives, cracking down on property coming from corruption and ensuring the public’s rights to know and supervise therefore it fundamentally safeguards the public’s interests. The significance of the system is that it not only reflects the public interests’ core position in the public administration, but also improves the anti-corruption efficiency. Moreover it sets up a good image of public sectors in order to pave the way for the environment of the socialist modernization drive.Property declaration system is one of the important anti-corruption measures in the world. Its rise is the countermeasure of the governments toward social developments as well as their own problems, also it is aimed at increasing the transparency of the officials’ social and economic lives, cracking down on property coming from corruption and ensuring the public’s rights to know and supervise therefore it fundamentally safeguards the public’s interests. The significance of the system is that it not only reflects the public interests’ core position in the public administration, but also improves the anti-corruption efficiency. moreover it sets up a good image of public sectors in order to pave the way for the environment of the socialist modernization drive.At present, Aletai in Xinjiang, Cixi in Zhejiang, Liuyang in Hunan and other places are making positive efforts to attempt property declaration system successively. They have many similarities in common however they remain their own characteristics, which means a lot for the optimization for the system. But it is undeniable that the system still needs fixing due to the effects of social ideology, politics, economy and so on. There is a big gap between the present situation and the urgency of anti-corruption.In fact, the pathogenetic factors are complex, such as the traditional ideology of official standards, definition of privacy for public officials, lacking of support systems and strong supports from high-level leaders and so on. Therefore, we should base ourselves on China’s realities and learn from other countries’experiences. We also should speed up the legislative process of the property declaration system.
